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ICBEC 2012 - 2012 3rd International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry



VenueBangkok, Thailand Thailand

KeywordsBiology; Environment; Chemistry


Topics/Call fo Papers

2012 3rd International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2012) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Biology, Environment and Chemistry. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.
Topics of interest for submission include the Applications of Biology, Environment and Chemistry in following areas:
Chemical, Environmental, and Process Engineering
Environmental engineering and sustainable development
Process design and optimization
Product innovation, development and economics
Process intensification
New materials & structured products
Intelligent polymers
Green organic synthesis routes
Process integration
Environmental engineering & management
Sustainable & clean technologies
SCF as solvent substitutes
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals
Chemical engineering fundamentals
Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Chemical engineering educational challenges and development
Chemical reaction engineering
Chemical engineering equipment design and process design
Catalysis & reaction engineering
Particulate systems
Multifase flows
Interfacial & colloidal phenomena
Transport phenomena in porous/granular media
Membranes and membrane science
Distillation, absorption and extraction
Ionic liquids/electrolyte solutions
Multi-scale and/or Multi-disciplinary Approaches
Process system, instrumentation and control
Product engineering and product development
Product design & innovation
Controlled release of the active ingredient
Energy & nuclear sciences
Energy and environment
CFD & chemical engineering
Food engineering
Particle technology
Mathematical modeling in chemical engineering
Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Advanced materials processing
Systematic Methods and Tools for Managing the Complexity
Multiscale modeling
Process synthesis & design
Process control & operations
Process Safety Management
Supply chain management & business decision support
Advances in computational & numerical methods
Safety & risk management systems
Systems biology
Economics and Business Management
Process Analytical Technology - PAT
Software architecture, standards and interfaces
Integration of Life Sciences & Engineering
Biochemical Engineering
Product Engineering in the Bio Industries
Self-organisation in the Bio-sciences and elsewhere
Delivery of the final product
Biotechnology applied to production of new and better quality food
Physical chemistry and thermodynamics for life sciences and biotechnology
Improvement of environmental remediation processes
Food process technology and engineering
The impact of bio-based polymeric materials
Biochemical and bio-molecular engineering
Bioengineering and biomedical engineering
Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Energy and environment
Forest product processing
Milk product processing
Environmental dynamics
Atmospheric physics
Physical oceanography
Global environmental change and ecosystems management
Climate and climatic changes
Global warming
Ozone layer depletion
Carbon capture and storage
Integrated ecosystems management
Satellite applications in the environment
Environmental restoration and ecological engineering
Habitat reconstruction
Biodiversity conservation
Landscape degradation and restoration
Ground water remediation
Soil decontamination
Environmental sustainability
Resource management
Life cycle analysis
Environmental systems approach
Renewable sources of energy-energy savings
Clean technologies
Sustainable cities
Health and the Environment
Health related organisms
Hazardous substances and detection techniques
Biodegradation of hazardous substances
Toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies
Quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring
Indoor air pollution
Water resources and river basin management
Regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification
Public participation
Economic instruments
Modelling and decision support tools
Institutional development
Transboundary cooperation
Management and regulation of point and diffuse pollution
Monitoring and analysis of environmental contaminant
Ground water management
Wastewater and sludge treatment
Nutrients removal
Suspended and fixed film biological processes
Anaerobic treatment
Process modelling
Sludge treatment and reuse
Fate of hazardous substances
Industrial wastewater treatment
Advances in biological, physical and chemical processes
On site and small scale systems
Storm-water management
Air pollution and control
Emission sources
Atmospheric modelling and numerical prediction
Interaction between pollutants
Control technologies
Air emission trading
Solid waste management
Waste minimization
Optimization of collection systems
Recycling and reuse
Waste valorization
Technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc)
Leachate treatment
Legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management
Management of hazardous solid waste
Water treatment and reclamation
Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc)
Disinfection and disinfection by- products
Management of water treatment residuals
Aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors)
Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality
Reuse of reclaimed waters
ICBEC 2012 will be published in the Volume of Journal ( IPCBEE, ISSN: 2010-4618), and all papers will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Geobase(Elsevier), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, CNKI(中国知网), WorldCat, Google Scholar, and sent to be reviewed by Compendex and ISI Proceedings.
About 10 papers selected from the registered ones will be published in the International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (IJBBB) free of charge.
Formatting Instructions (DOC)
1. Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf)
If you can't login the submission system, please try to submit through method 2.
2. Email: ( .pdf and .doc)

Last modified: 2012-05-23 16:04:01