Clima 2010 - Clima 2010, the leading international scientific congress in the knowledge domain of HVAC Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning
- 26th European Conference on Knowledge Management
- 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Horizons in Scientific"
- 1 International Scientific and Practical Conference «Challenges and opportunities in modern scientific research»
- 1 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Innovation: Theoretical Insights and Practical Impacts"
- VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific practice: modern and classical research methods»
Topics/Call fo Papers
All abstracts and papers must be sent by using the online asbtract submission system, Abstract Agent?. Since all evaluations will be sone by using the same system, abstracts and papers sent via email, fax or post will not be taken into evaluation.
Scientific Committees of Clima 2010 invite scientists, engineers, consultants, designers, architects, building operators, designers, industrialists and policy makers to submit abstracts either for oral presentation or poster sessions in order to exchange the knowledge and technical solutions in HVAC technology.
Please read the following instructions before submitting your abstract through the online submission module, Abstract Agent? before 30th of September, 2009. This is a completely automated and online system that automatically allows you to enter the information for the authors, affiliations, their matching, abstract text (if required with special characters etc.), figures, and keywords in a series of different windows. Once you sign up, you can also continue working on your abstract until you finally decide to submit before the deadline. You can follow the whole submission and evaluation procedure either within the system or by e-mail notifications.
1. Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
2. The abstract must be minimum 300 words and maximum 400 words (excluding author information and title). The complete abstract including tables and images must not exceed 1 page.
3. The title should not be capitalized, only first letters must be typed in capital letters.
4. The presenting author name should be selected as â?œPresenterâ??.
5. Abstract must be prepared in relation to one of the below Congress Themes.
Sustainable energy systems
Sustainable buildings-Low exergy buildings
Energy performance of buildings
High performance and green buildings
Energy efficient heating and cooling systems
NZEB enabling technologies such as integrated building systems
Labeling and Grading of Buildings
HVAC systems
HVAC system design and performance
Maintenance and operation of HVAC systems
Domestic water and waste systems
Large Building HVAC Systems
District cooling and heating
Indoor environment, health and productivity
Natural and hybrid ventilation systems
Moisture and Humidity
Architectural design integration
Building industry
Building services
Historic Preservation and Renovation of Historical Buildings
ICT and intelligent buildings
6. Use the following disposition in your one-page abstract:
Use only one level of headings in the abstract, do not use subheadings. Present references only in your full paper, not in the abstract.
Please click here to view a template abstract.
7. Abstracts will not be re-typed or corrected once they are submitted. Re-submission of corrected or updated abstracts is not permitted.
8. It is the author's responsibility to submit the abstract in perfect order with no errors in spelling or grammar, since no further editing on language issues will be performed.
Scientific Committees of Clima 2010 invite scientists, engineers, consultants, designers, architects, building operators, designers, industrialists and policy makers to submit abstracts either for oral presentation or poster sessions in order to exchange the knowledge and technical solutions in HVAC technology.
Please read the following instructions before submitting your abstract through the online submission module, Abstract Agent? before 30th of September, 2009. This is a completely automated and online system that automatically allows you to enter the information for the authors, affiliations, their matching, abstract text (if required with special characters etc.), figures, and keywords in a series of different windows. Once you sign up, you can also continue working on your abstract until you finally decide to submit before the deadline. You can follow the whole submission and evaluation procedure either within the system or by e-mail notifications.
1. Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
2. The abstract must be minimum 300 words and maximum 400 words (excluding author information and title). The complete abstract including tables and images must not exceed 1 page.
3. The title should not be capitalized, only first letters must be typed in capital letters.
4. The presenting author name should be selected as â?œPresenterâ??.
5. Abstract must be prepared in relation to one of the below Congress Themes.
Sustainable energy systems
Sustainable buildings-Low exergy buildings
Energy performance of buildings
High performance and green buildings
Energy efficient heating and cooling systems
NZEB enabling technologies such as integrated building systems
Labeling and Grading of Buildings
HVAC systems
HVAC system design and performance
Maintenance and operation of HVAC systems
Domestic water and waste systems
Large Building HVAC Systems
District cooling and heating
Indoor environment, health and productivity
Natural and hybrid ventilation systems
Moisture and Humidity
Architectural design integration
Building industry
Building services
Historic Preservation and Renovation of Historical Buildings
ICT and intelligent buildings
6. Use the following disposition in your one-page abstract:
Use only one level of headings in the abstract, do not use subheadings. Present references only in your full paper, not in the abstract.
Please click here to view a template abstract.
7. Abstracts will not be re-typed or corrected once they are submitted. Re-submission of corrected or updated abstracts is not permitted.
8. It is the author's responsibility to submit the abstract in perfect order with no errors in spelling or grammar, since no further editing on language issues will be performed.
Other CFPs
- Pervasive 2010 The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing
- XXI Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
- Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN LION 4
- 2010 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2010)
- 2010 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA-10
Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22