2025 - 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Horizons in Scientific"
- 3 International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Horizons in Scientific Research: Challenges and Solutions"
- 1 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Technology: New Horizons of Development"
- 3 International Scientific and Practical Conference «Global Trends in the Development of Information Technology and Science»
- The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Challenges and Issues of Modern Science" combined with scientific and pedagogical internship
- The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Challenges and Issues of Modern Science" combined with scientific and pedagogical internship
Topics/Call fo Papers
Other CFPs
- The 2nd National Engineering Structure Monitoring Standardization Technology Application and Demonstration Seminar(NESMS2023)
- 2nd International Roundtable Webinar on Microplastic and Nanoplastic Pollution in Different Environments: Freshwater, Marine, Air and Soil
- Conference in education linguistics and digital technology
- 4th International Conference on NLP & Text Mining (NLTM 2024)
- 2nd International conference on Bioinformatics and computational studies (ICBCS 2024)
Last modified: 2023-08-22 00:37:15