3DGeoInfo 2012 - 7th 3D GeoInfo Conference (3DGeoInfo 2012)
Topics/Call fo Papers
We invite you to join us at the 7th 3D GeoInfo which is being co-organized by Laval University and the GEOIDE Network and will be held in the beautiful city of Quebec in May 2012. The International 3D GeoInfo Conference aims at bringing together international state-of-the-art research and facilitating the dialogue on emerging topics in the field of 3D geo-information. The conference offers an interdisciplinary forum in the fields of 3D data collection and modelling; reconstruction and methods for 3D representation; data management for maintenance of 3D geo information or 3D data analysis and visualization. We sincerely welcome you to take part of this activity in sharing with us your expertise and passion about 3D data and technologies.
The joint 7th 3D GeoInfo and 14th GEOIDE annual scientific conference promise to be a leading event in 2012 !

3D GeoInfo 2012 aims at bringing together international researchers from academia, industry, and government in the field of 3D geoinformation. We are inviting researchers and companies to participate and present their activities to international experts in the field of 3D geo information technology. The conference offers an interdisciplinary forum in the fields of:
- Data collection and modelling: advanced approaches for 3D data
collection, reconstruction and methods for representation
- Data management: topological, geometrical, and network models
for maintenance of 3D geo information
- Data analysis and visualisation: frameworks for representing 3D
spatial relationships, 3D spatial analysis, algorithms for navigation,
interpolation, and advanced virtual reality
### Important Dates ###
- Full paper (6000 words) submission: January 15th
- Extended abstract (1000-1500 words) submission: January 29th
- Notification of acceptance (full paper and extended abstract): March 1st
- Camera ready submission: April 1st
### Executive Committee ###
- Jacynthe Pouliot* (Conference Chair) Email: jacynthe.pouliot(at)scg.ulaval.ca
- Sylvie Daniel* (Conference Chair) Email: frederic.hubert(at)scg.ulaval.ca
- Frédéric Hubert* (Conference Chair) Email: sylvie.daniel(at)scg.ulaval.ca
- Alborz Zamyadi* (Communication) Email: alborz.zamyadi.1(at)ulaval.ca
* Geomatics Department, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
### Contact ###
- Website: www.3dgeoinfo2012.ulaval.ca
- Email: 3dgeoinfo2012(at)ulaval.ca
### Scientific Committee ###
- Alias Abdul-Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Roland Billen, University of Liège, Belgium
- Lars Bodum, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Martin Breunig, University of Osnabrück, Germany
- Eliseo Clementini, University of L’Aquila, Italy
- Volker Coors, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, Germany
- Jürgen Döllner, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Philippe de Maeyer, Ghent University, Belgium
- Christopher M. Gold, University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
- Gerhard Gröger, University of Bonn, Germany
- Gerhard Joos, NATO C3 Agency, The Netherlands
- Hugo Ledoux, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Jiyeong Lee, University of Seoul, South Korea
- Ki-Joune Li, Pusan National University, South Korea
- Fred Limp, University of Arkansas, USA
- Hui Lin, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- Marc-Oliver Löwner, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
- Claudine Métral, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Stephan Nebiker, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
- Anders Östman, University of Gävle, Sweden
- Norbert Pfeifer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Jacynthe Pouliot, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
- Carl Reed, Open Geospatial Consortium, USA
- Massimo Rumor, University of Padova, Italy
- Monika Sester, University of Hannover, Germany
- Uwe Stilla, Technische Universität München, Germany
- André Streilein, Swisstopo, Switzerland
- Rod Thompson, Queensland Government, Australia
- Peter van Oosterom, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- George Vosselman, ITC Enschede, The Netherlands
- Peter Woodsford, Snowflake Software, UK
- Mike Worboys, University of Maine, USA
- Qing Zhu , Wuhan University, China
- Alexander Zipf, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Sisi Zlatanova, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
### Conference Organisations ###
- The GeoEduc3D Project
- The GEOIDE Network
- Geomatics Department, Laval University
- Laval University
- Centre for Research in Geomatics
The joint 7th 3D GeoInfo and 14th GEOIDE annual scientific conference promise to be a leading event in 2012 !

3D GeoInfo 2012 aims at bringing together international researchers from academia, industry, and government in the field of 3D geoinformation. We are inviting researchers and companies to participate and present their activities to international experts in the field of 3D geo information technology. The conference offers an interdisciplinary forum in the fields of:
- Data collection and modelling: advanced approaches for 3D data
collection, reconstruction and methods for representation
- Data management: topological, geometrical, and network models
for maintenance of 3D geo information
- Data analysis and visualisation: frameworks for representing 3D
spatial relationships, 3D spatial analysis, algorithms for navigation,
interpolation, and advanced virtual reality
### Important Dates ###
- Full paper (6000 words) submission: January 15th
- Extended abstract (1000-1500 words) submission: January 29th
- Notification of acceptance (full paper and extended abstract): March 1st
- Camera ready submission: April 1st
### Executive Committee ###
- Jacynthe Pouliot* (Conference Chair) Email: jacynthe.pouliot(at)scg.ulaval.ca
- Sylvie Daniel* (Conference Chair) Email: frederic.hubert(at)scg.ulaval.ca
- Frédéric Hubert* (Conference Chair) Email: sylvie.daniel(at)scg.ulaval.ca
- Alborz Zamyadi* (Communication) Email: alborz.zamyadi.1(at)ulaval.ca
* Geomatics Department, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
### Contact ###
- Website: www.3dgeoinfo2012.ulaval.ca
- Email: 3dgeoinfo2012(at)ulaval.ca
### Scientific Committee ###
- Alias Abdul-Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Roland Billen, University of Liège, Belgium
- Lars Bodum, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Martin Breunig, University of Osnabrück, Germany
- Eliseo Clementini, University of L’Aquila, Italy
- Volker Coors, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, Germany
- Jürgen Döllner, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Philippe de Maeyer, Ghent University, Belgium
- Christopher M. Gold, University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
- Gerhard Gröger, University of Bonn, Germany
- Gerhard Joos, NATO C3 Agency, The Netherlands
- Hugo Ledoux, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Jiyeong Lee, University of Seoul, South Korea
- Ki-Joune Li, Pusan National University, South Korea
- Fred Limp, University of Arkansas, USA
- Hui Lin, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- Marc-Oliver Löwner, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
- Claudine Métral, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Stephan Nebiker, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
- Anders Östman, University of Gävle, Sweden
- Norbert Pfeifer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Jacynthe Pouliot, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
- Carl Reed, Open Geospatial Consortium, USA
- Massimo Rumor, University of Padova, Italy
- Monika Sester, University of Hannover, Germany
- Uwe Stilla, Technische Universität München, Germany
- André Streilein, Swisstopo, Switzerland
- Rod Thompson, Queensland Government, Australia
- Peter van Oosterom, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- George Vosselman, ITC Enschede, The Netherlands
- Peter Woodsford, Snowflake Software, UK
- Mike Worboys, University of Maine, USA
- Qing Zhu , Wuhan University, China
- Alexander Zipf, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Sisi Zlatanova, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
### Conference Organisations ###
- The GeoEduc3D Project
- The GEOIDE Network
- Geomatics Department, Laval University
- Laval University
- Centre for Research in Geomatics
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2011-10-06 17:12:06