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PGAS-X 2011 - PGAS-X 2011 PGAS & Shared Memory Extensions for Heterogeneous Architectures Inaugural Workshop



VenueTexas, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

* Call for Papers *
* PGAS-X *
* PGAS & Shared Memory *
* Extensions for Heterogeneous Architectures *
* Inaugural Workshop *
* Galveston Island, Texas, USA *
* October 14, 2011 *
* *

Call For Papers:

Partitioned Global Address Space [PGAS] and shared memory programming models such as UPC,
Co-Array Fortran, OpenSHMEM and OpenMP offer mechanisms to expose applications to globally
shared memory and native thread/task parallelism. However, with the advent of
heterogeneous computing architectures, there exists a significant gap in coupling PGAS-style
languages to non-traditional computing devices such as GPU's and reconfigurable processors.
This workshop shall serve as a forum to present research developments and language-extensions
for tightly coupled PGAS/shared memory languages and heterogeneous architectures.
Papers, language-extension proposals and demos are solicited in, but not limited to, the
following areas:

* Heterogeneous Memory: Memory locality in heterogeneous PGAS applications;
: memory performance considerations;
: data movement activities in heterogeneous memory systems
* Language Extensions: Language extensions to directly address thread/task-level memory locality;
: Tiered PGAS resource utilization; portable heterogeneous PGAS applications
* Compilers and Runtime Systems: Hybrid PGAS compilers;
: mixed-architecture object payloads;
: scalable, heterogeneous runtime systems for PGAS
* Debugging/Performance Tools and Techniques: Debugging PGAS-enabled, heterogeneous architectures;
: numerical accuracy in heterogeneous PGAS

Important Dates:

Abstracts Due: July 8, 2011 :: optional

Papers Due: July 29, 2011

Author Notification: August 29, 2011

Camera Ready: September 23, 2011

Information For Authors:

All papers submissions must be made electronically using the official PGAS-X submissions website
[see below]. All abstracts must include contact information, a full list of authors with their
respective affiliations and a summary description [100-300 words] of the anticipated content.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format and must be viewable by Adobe Acrobat Reader. Papers are
limited to 10 pages in IEEE 8.5" x 11" [US letter size paper] two-column format using 10pt font.
The IEEEtran.cls [] LaTex style can be used to format
your paper submission. Papers must be submitted in PDF format and must be viewable by Adobe
Acrobat Reader. The workshop chair(s) will reject and return submissions not meeting the
aforementioned requirements.

Organizing Committee:

- Workshop Chairs -
Stephen Poole : Oak Ridge National Laboratory
John Leidel : Convey Computer Corp.

- Workshop Committee -
To Be Announced

* *

Last modified: 2011-07-15 16:38:22