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2011 - Cetus Users and Compiler Infrastructure Workshop



VenueTexas, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

This workshop aims to bring together users of the Cetus source-to-source translator as well as researchers interested in the topic of compiler infrastructures.

Cetus is a source-to-source compiler research infrastructure supported by the National Science Foundation. Cetus,, has been used by many research projects as a compilation platform. It represents one of several software infrastructures that support research and development of program analysis, optimization, and translation techniques. This workshop will be a forum for those interested in using compiler infrastructures as well as users of Cetus. To this end, extended abstracts are solicited that describe experiences with Cetus as well as with other infrastructures in the design of compilers and program translators. Authors are encouraged to include a discussion of desirable features of future compiler infrastructures in their extended abstracts. More specifically, extended abstracts are solicited describing extended abstracts of up to four pages on the use of Cetus or other compiler infrastructures in the development of
Compiler analyses, transformations, and optimizations
Code generators for parallel languages and platforms
Tools for debugging or performance analysis
Compiler infrastructures in general
Case studies and performance evaluations
Important Dates

Submission deadline: Aug 15
Notification of Authors: Sept 5
Workshop date: Oct 10, 2011, Galveston, Texas, USA

Last modified: 2011-07-15 16:35:17