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ICEBSER 2022 - ICEBSER- International Conference on Entrepreneurship , Business Studies and Economic Research | Scopus & WoS



VenueKuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysia

KeywordsBusiness; Economics


Topics/Call fo Papers

International Academic Conference promote international dissemination of knowledge and development of cross-national academic fraternity. The participants come from different backgrounds and countries. They share their researches, experiences and informally create long-lasting bonds.
The organizing committee invites Postgraduate candidates Master and PhD to submit Abstract/Full papers to ICEBSER 2022. ICEBSER 2022 is a premier forum for presenting of new research findings. This conference brings together avid researchers from local and foreign universities. Topics of interest for submission include, but not limited to:
Discover The Topics:
Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics | Microeconomics and Industrial Economics | Operations Management | Organisational Behaviour | Policy Making and Decision Making | Portfolio management | Public Policy | Regional and Urban Economics | Research Methods | Services Management | Portfolio management | Public Policy | Regional and Urban Economics | Research Methods | Strategic Management | Tourism Management | Entrepreneurship | Advertising | AgriBusiness | Agricultural Economic | Management Accounting | Financial Management |Human Resource Management| Marketing Management | Retail Management | Intellectual Property Brands and Branding | Banking and finance | Business Ethics | Management | Human Resource | Finance, Economics and Hedge Funds | Insurance and Takaful | Managing Risk, Corporate Social Responsibility | Accounting, Banking Control & Supervision | Internet Banking and Emerging Markets | E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship | Sustainable Development | Technology Transfer and Management | Supply Chain Management | Networking and Outsourcing | Marketing and Market entry | Human Capital, Creativity & Innovation | Disaster Management | Venture Capital and Private Equity | Leadership, Total Quality Control in Business | Hospitality Management | New Product Development | Corporate Valuation and IPOs | Environmental Protection & Public Policy.

Last modified: 2022-03-30 15:00:33