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2011 - Workshop on Human Decision Making inRecommender Systems



VenueChicago, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

This is in conjunction with the 5th ACM Conference on Recommender
Systems (RecSys’11)
October 23-27, 2011, Chicago, IL, USA

Workshop site:

Topics of this workshop (but are not limited to):
■ Decision theories in recommender systems (e.g., priming, framing,
and decoy effects)
■ Preference detection (e.g., eye tracking for automated preference
■ The role of emotions in recommender systems (e.g., emotion‐ware
■ Trust inspiring recommendation (e.g., explanation‐aware
■ Persuasive recommendation (e.g., argumentation‐aware
■ Cultural differences (e.g., culture‐aware recommendation)
■ Mechanisms for effective group decision making (e.g., group
recommendation heuristics)
■ User interfaces for group decision making (e.g., group decision
making in e‐tourism)
■ Decision theories for effective group decision making (e.g., hidden
profile management)
■ Detection and avoidance of decision biases (e.g., in item
■ User interfaces for decision making (e.g., decision strategies and
user ratings)
■ Critiquing‐based recommender systems
■ Knowledge‐based recommender systems
■ Empirical studies
■ Applications

A special issue of the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent
Systems on the topic of this workshop is planned.

Anthony Jameson will be the invited speaker.

Important dates
■ Paper submission deadline: July 25th, 2011
■ Notification of acceptance: Aug 19th, 2011
■ Camera-ready version deadline: Sep 12th, 2011
■ Workshop day: Oct 27th, 2011

Workshop co-chairs:
Alexander Felfernig
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Li Chen
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Last modified: 2011-06-27 21:33:34