SWESE 2011 - 7th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering
Topics/Call fo Papers
* 7th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering
* (SWESE2011)
* http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~csc363/swese2011/
* (for previous workshops, see http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~jpan/)
Deadline: 12 Aug, 2011
* located at 2011 International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011)
* 23/24 Oct 2011
* Bonn, Germany
There has been more and more evidence that the usage of Semantic Web technologies leads to improvements in both the process and product of software development activities. The goal of the SWESE workshop is to advance research on this important area. We believe that the informal nature of the workshop, located at one of the major events of Semantic Web, will lead to further exchange between practitioners and researchers working on issues related to Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering by providing a forum for discussing the major challenges of the area and the different approaches being taken to resolve them.
Intended Audience
While the intended audience for this workshop includes those with
experience or interest in Semantic Web languages, tools and linked data aware software development, it is
also crucial to have participation by those with expertise in
other areas such as software engineering, automatic software
engineering (ASE), knowledge based software engineering (KBSE),
UML/MDA and software/legacy modernisation.
Topics of interest to the workshop include (but are not restricted to):
? Visions for Semantic Web driven software engineering
? Tools developed or being developed for software engineering using SW languages
? Integration or application development projects combining Software Engineering techniques and Semantic Web tools or languages
? Shortcomings with the Semantic Web with respect to Software Engineering
? Uses, extensions and/or issues with ODM
? Visions for SW driven software modernisation
? Integration of UML, OO programming languages and Semantic Web languages
? Integration of formal methods and Semantic Web languages
? Software specification and Semantic Web languages
? Software versioning control and Semantic Web
? Software debugging and Semantic Web
? Ontologies for software engineering
? Ontologies for requirement engineering
? Ontologies for software guidance, traceability and maintenance
? Component discovery and ontologies
? Feature modelling and ontologies
? Metamodel engineering
? Ontology reasoning for software engineering
? Semantic annotations in software engineering
? Transitioning legacy applications to ontologies
? Semantic-based intelligent assistance tools for software developers
? Lessons learnt and outstanding challenges for the usage of semantic technologies in software engineering
? Ontology-Driven Architecture: How to introduce Semantic Web technology into mainstream development processes
? Ontologies for supporting collaboration/coordination between developers
? Semantic-based information push for software development process
? Methods and tools for semantic-based event-driven interaction in software development
Workshop Format and Attendance:
This will be a half day workshop, including a keynote presentation
and technical talks discussing competing and complementary
visions and state of the art for Semantic Web enabled software engineering.
This workshop is open to all members of the ISWC community, as
well as other communities identified in Intended Audience above,
such as the Software Engineering community.
Submission of a paper is not required for attendance at the
workshop. However, in the event that the workshop cannot
accommodate all who would like to participate, those who have
submitted a paper will be given priority for registration.
We encourage those who plan to attend this workshop, to register
early in order to help conference organisers with their planning
as well as insure that the workshop is not cancelled do to
projected poor attendance.
Organising Committee
Elisa F. Kendall, Sandpiper Software, Inc., USA
Jeff Z. Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK (contact)
Ljiljana Stojanovic, FZI, Germany
Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield, UK
Yuting Zhao, University of Aberdeen, UK
Program Committee
* Uwe Assman (DE), Technical University of Dresden
* Ioannis N. Athanasiadis (GR), Democritus University of Thrace
* Colin Atkinson (DE), University of Mannheim
* Ken Baclawski (US), Northeastern University
* Paola Di Maio (UK), University of Strathclyde
* Jin Song Dong (SG), National University of Singapore
* Jürgen Ebert (DE), University of Koblenz
* Andreas Friesen (DE), SAP Research
* Dragan Gasevic, (CA) Simon Fraser University Surrey
* Michael Goedicke (DE), University of Essen
* Jakob Henriksson (US), Intelligent Automation, Inc.
* Mitch Kokar (US), Northeastern University
* Harald Kühn (AT), BOC
* David Martin (US), SRI International
* Krzysztof Miksa (PL), Comarch
* Jishnu Mukerji (US), Hewlett-Packard
* Daniel Oberle (DE), SAP Research
* Fernando Silva Parreiras (DE), University of Koblenz
* Yuan Ren (UK), University of Aberdeen
* Dave Reynolds (UK), Epimorphics Ltd
* Michael K. Smith (US), Hewlett-Packard
* Hai Wang (UK), Aston University
* Andrea Zisman (UK), City University, London
Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical
relevance and technical rigor, experience reports, and show case
/ use case demonstrations of effective, practical technologies or
applications combining software engineering with semantic
Papers must be in English and may be submitted at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swese20... as:
- Full Papers (15 pages)
- Short Papers (5-8 pages)
Please upload all submissions as PDF files in LNCS format
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Submissions will
be peer-reviewed by at least 3 PC members based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
Authors are requested to upload their complete papers by September 14, 2011.
Publication details will be posted to the workshop web site,
http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~csc363/swese2011/, as they
become available.
Important Dates
* Submission due: August 12, 2011
* Notification: September 5, 2011
* Camera ready version: September 14, 2011
The workshop is being held in cooperation with a prominent network
of excellence and is meant to act as a focal point for joint
interests and future collaborations. Interested sponsors are
welcome to contact the Organising Committee.
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2011-06-27 16:08:19