ICBME 2021 - Sarawak, Malaysia International Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (ICBME) Scopus indexed
VenueSarawak, Malaysia
KeywordsEconomic; Management; Business
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- Scopus 2030 บทความวารสาร Scopus Rapid Publishing
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Topics/Call fo Papers
ICHSS Conference invites scholars, researchers, practitioners and students proposals to submit papers for paper presentations, interactive sessions, virtual talks or colloquia addressing one of the following tracks & topics.If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.
Broadly, the main areas of inquiry include the followings Topics but not limited to:
Business management
Accounting economics
Business, research and management
Business and economics education
Business accounting, law, model, strategy, and processes
Cross-culture issues in business
Customer relationship management
Decision support and knowledge-based systems
E-commerce, collaborative commerce and net-enhancement
Economics business and economic systems
Finance and investment
General business research
General management
Global business
Globalization, business and systems
Knowledge management and organizational learning
Labor relations and human resource management
Management information systems
Management systems and sustainable business
Managing systems
Marketing theory and applications
Modelling simulation and analysis of business process
Organizational behavior and theory
Production and operations systems
Production/operations management
Public administration and small business entrepreneurship
Public responsibility and ethics
Strategic management and systems
Strategic management policy
Supply chain and demand chain management
Technologies and standards for improving business
Technology and innovation in business systems
Technopreneurship management
Trust issues in business and systems
Value chain modelling analysis simulation and management
Value-based management and systems
Virtual communities and business
ICHSS Conference invites scholars, researchers, practitioners and students proposals to submit papers for paper presentations, interactive sessions, virtual talks or colloquia addressing one of the following tracks & topics.If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.
Broadly, the main areas of inquiry include the followings Topics but not limited to:
Business management
Accounting economics
Business, research and management
Business and economics education
Business accounting, law, model, strategy, and processes
Cross-culture issues in business
Customer relationship management
Decision support and knowledge-based systems
E-commerce, collaborative commerce and net-enhancement
Economics business and economic systems
Finance and investment
General business research
General management
Global business
Globalization, business and systems
Knowledge management and organizational learning
Labor relations and human resource management
Management information systems
Management systems and sustainable business
Managing systems
Marketing theory and applications
Modelling simulation and analysis of business process
Organizational behavior and theory
Production and operations systems
Production/operations management
Public administration and small business entrepreneurship
Public responsibility and ethics
Strategic management and systems
Strategic management policy
Supply chain and demand chain management
Technologies and standards for improving business
Technology and innovation in business systems
Technopreneurship management
Trust issues in business and systems
Value chain modelling analysis simulation and management
Value-based management and systems
Virtual communities and business
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2021-04-30 21:11:33