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2019 - Investigation of the culinary culture specific for ramazan in Erzurum



Venue, Online Online

KeywordsErzurum; Ramazan Cuisine Culture; Iftar Table


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This study was carried out in Erzurum which has rich culinary culture. The study examined the culinary culture of Ramazan which is a part of the culinary culture of Erzurum. In this study, it is aimed to examine the product, process, concept or preparations for Ramadan. Qualitative research method was adopted in the study and the data were obtained by interview technique.
As a result of the research, it was determined that the mass food shopping and pre-preparations of some products to be consumed during Ramadan were made in Erzurum Ramadan culinary culture. It is stated that some of the products included in the menu are changed in iftar tables, as well as some standard products (Aş soup, spinach with minced meat, stuffed kadayif, fried potatoes). It is stated that traditionally prepared kete and tea and breakfast products are consumed in Sahur tables.

Last modified: 2020-10-14 07:52:48