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2019 - Menu engineering analysis of tourism management certificated hotel restaurants in Bingöl province



Venue, Online Online

KeywordsMenu; Restaurant; Menu Engineering


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As a result of developing technologies by the increasing competition in the food and beverage sector many strategies have been developed by the enterprises. Businesses are trying to produce a new sales marketing day by day. Customer satisfaction and loyalty have a great importance for food and beverage businesses. For this reason restaurants should offer a good service to satisfy the customer. It should reinforce this service with innovations. The concept of menu engineering cannot be established for each restaurants. The study was carried tourism management certificate hotel restaurants in Bingöl province. Interview technique was used in qualitative research methods. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the advantages of design, color and content of menu cards to the business. The secondary purpose of this research is to determine at which level menu planning and menu analyzing applicationsare made real in businesses. Also, it is aimed to measure the importance is given to the menu by the hotel restaurants having tourism operation certificate. In this study conducted in hotel restaurants having tourism operation certificate in Bingöl province, it is seen
that it continues in old style hanging menus. The research shows that the concept of menu engineering does not occur consciously
in restaurants constituting the population of this study. Expectations from menus in restaurants can be measured by examining the work from the customer’s point of view.

Last modified: 2020-10-14 07:44:44