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2020 - How to Make Sure Your Independent Contractors Are Really Independent



VenueTraining Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr, Aurora, Colorado 80016, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsIndependent contractor taxes; Human resources managers; Payment schedules


Topics/Call fo Papers

Upon completion of this session, attendees will learn key factors that would determine how a worker is properly classified as “independent.” The attendee will learn what they can and cannot do when managing independent contractors to accomplish work.
Companies that use independent contractors to perform aspects of the business want to insure that these workers are truly independent. Making a mistake can cause companies to have to reclassify workers as employees and subsequently be required to pay back taxes and penalties. Human Resources managers, Office Managers, and small and mid-size business owners need to be aware of the issues involved.
• Why the proper definition is needed
• IRS definition of an independent contractor
• Department of Labor definition
• State difference
• Independent contractor taxes and insurance
• Independent contractor payment schedule
• How to protect the company
The webinar will discuss methods to insure that workers classified as independent contractors are independent. With the push by the US Department of Labor to clamp down on misclassification of employees as independent contractors it is important for companies to make sure they have everyone classified correctly. Under the Affordable Care Act many employers have thought about using independent contractors more to avoid having to offer healthcare. It is not that easy.
• HR
• Office managers
• Business owners
• Executives with hiring responsibility
• Company Owners of Small Businesses
• Supervisors
• Managers
• Business Owners
• Vice Presidents
• COO’s
• HR Department
Michael D. Haberman is a consultant, speaker, writer and teacher. He is President of Omega HR Consulting, a consulting and services company offering complete human resources solutions. Mike brings 35+ years of experience in dealing with the challenges of Human Resources in the 21st century. He has a Master's in HR and is certified as a Senior HR professional. He has over 18 years’ experience in the class room teaching human resources fundamentals and certification preparation.
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Last modified: 2020-07-17 18:39:53