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DSOM 2009 - The International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM)



VenueVenice, Italy Italy



Topics/Call fo Papers

* 20th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on *
* Distributed Systems: Operations and Management *
* *
* - DSOM 2009 - *
* *
* part of MANWEEK 2009 *
* *
* October 26-30, 2009 - Venice, Italy *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* "Integrated Management of *
* Systems, Services, Processes and People in IT" *
* *
* Paper registration and submission deadline: May 8, 2009 *
* *

The International Workshop on Distributed Systems:
Operations and Management (DSOM) is the premier annual
workshop in the general area of network and services
management. It has built up its strong reputation over a
period of two decades. The workshop is sponsored by the
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
Working Group 6.6 on Management of Networks and Distributed
Systems, with technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE
Communications Society, Technical Committee on Network
Operations and Management (CNOM). In its 20th edition,
DSOM 2009 will be held October 26?30, 2009 in Venice, Italy,
as part of the 5th International Week on Management of
Networks and Services (MANWEEK 2009).

*** SCOPE OF DSOM 2009 ***

The primary theme of DSOM 2009 will be "Integrated
Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in
IT", keeping its focus on the traditional network and system
management disciplines, as well as extending it onto the
emerging research field of managing all other "soft" aspects
of IT, involving people and processes. IT management has
evolved significantly over the past few years as IT-based
solutions have become increasingly critical to the
functioning of organizations. From device, network and
systems management, solutions have evolved to include
service management and IT governance, as witnessed by the
recent popularity of ITIL and COBIT frameworks. The goal of
DSOM 2009 is to bring together industry and academia to
address the research issues related to managing all aspects
of IT, report on practical experiences and discuss about
future research steps.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Network Management
. Ad-hoc networks
. Wireless & mobile networks
. IP networks
. LANs
. Optical networks
. Sensor networks
. Overlay networks
. Broadband access networks

- Service Management
. Multimedia service management
. Data service management
. Hosting
. Grid
. Virtualization

- Business Management
. Legal & ethical issues
. Process management
. Models for measuring/estimating business-IT alignment
. Decision support for IT management from a business
. Automation for IT Management from a business
. Business objectives, processes and service level

- Functional Areas
. Fault management
. Configuration management
. Accounting management
. Performance management
. Security management
. SLA management
. Event management

- Management Approaches
. Centralized management
. Distributed management
. Autonomic and self-management
. Policy-based management

- Technologies
. Protocols
. Middleware
. Mobile agents
. Peer-to-peer
. Data, information, and semantic modeling

- Methodologies for Network Management
. Control theories
. Optimization theories
. Economic theories
. Machine learning and genetic algorithms
. Logics
. Probabilistic, stochastic processes, queuing theory
. Simulation
. Experimental approach
. Design


Paper submissions must present original, unpublished
research or experiences. Late-breaking advances and
work-in-progress reports from ongoing research are also
encouraged for submission to DSOM 2009. Papers under review
elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted to DSOM 2009. Authors are
requested to submit either long papers or short papers
(work-in-progress reports), strictly in LNCS format (see

- Long papers (up to 12 single-spaced single-column pages)
- Short papers describing work-in-progress (up to 6
single-spaced single-column pages)

Submissions exceeding the above mentioned paper size will
not be reviewed and will be returned to the authors. Please
visit JEMS conference management system at (only PDF files are accepted) for
detailed submission instructions.


The DSOM 2009 proceedings will be published in
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series. For more information regarding manuscript format
please visit the author's instruction links at LNCS
Springer. Awards will be presented to the best paper and to
the best student paper at the workshop. Furthermore, the
best papers of DSOM 2009 will be invited to be submitted as
extended versions to the IEEE Transactions on Network and
Service Management - TNSM.


- Paper registration and submission: May 8, 2009
- Author notification: June 30, 2009
- Camera ready papers due: July 18, 2009
- Workshop: October 27-28, 2009


- Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia Labs, Italy
- Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands


- Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, USA
- Luciano Paschoal Gaspary, UFRGS, Brazil

[Preliminary list]

- Issam Aib, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Ehab Al-Shaer, DePaul University, USA
- Javier Baliosian, University of the Republic, Uruguay
- Claudio Bartolini, HP Laboratories, USA
- Nevil Brownlee, The University of Auckland, New Zeland
- Marcus Brunner, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany
- Omar Cherkaoui, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada
- Alexander Clemm, Cisco Systems, USA
- Yixin Diao, IBM Research, USA
- Metin Feridun, IBM Research, Switzerland
- Olivier Festor, INRIA Nancy - Grand Est, France
- Luciano Paschoal Gaspary, UFRGS, Brazil
- Kurt Geihs, Universit?t Kassel, Germany
- Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, LRSM - ENSIIE, France
- Alberto Gonzalez, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS, Brazil
- Masum Hasan, Cisco Systems, USA
- Heinz-Gerd Hegering, Leibniz Supercomputing Center, Germany
- Joseph Hellerstein, Google Inc., USA
- James Hong, POSTECH, Korea
- Cynthia Hood, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- Brendan Jennings, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
- Alexander Keller, IBM Global Technology Services, USA
- Wolfgang Kellerer, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany
- Yoshiaki Kiriha, NICT, Japan
- George Kormentzas, University of Aegean, Greece
- David Lewis, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Hong Li, Intel Corporation, USA
- Antonio Liotta, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Emil Lupu, Imperial College London, UK
- Hanan Lutfiyya, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin, NetExpert, Switzerland
- Sven van der Meer, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
- Maitreya Natu, Tata Research Development and Design Centre, USA
- Saverio Niccolini, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany
- Jos? Marcos Nogueira, UFMG, Brazil
- Declan O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Aiko Pras, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Juergen Quittek, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany
- Danny Raz, Technion, Israel
- Gabi Dreo Rodosek, University of Federal Armed Forces, Germany
- Juergen Schoenwaelder, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
- Joan Serrat, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Adarsh Sethi, University of Delaware, USA
- Morris Sloman, Imperial College London, UK
- Radu State, LORIA - INRIA Lorraine, France
- Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- John Strassner,, USA
- Mauro Tortonesi, University of Ferrara, Italy
- David Trastour, HP Laboratories, UK
- Filip De Turck, Ghent University, Belgium
- Jorge L?pez de Vergara, Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid, Spain
- Vincent Wade, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Carlos Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- Geoffrey Xie, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
- Makoto Yoshida, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Xiaoyun Zhu, VMware Inc., USA

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22