WCSET 2019 - World Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WCSET 2019)
Date2019-06-08 - 2019-06-09
VenueMoscow, Russia
KeywordsScience; Engineering; Technology
Topics/Call fo Papers
World Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WCSET 2019) will be held on 8th-9th June, 2019 at Moscow, Russian Federation . It is a worldwide conference where many people gather from different place to discuss about particular topics so the creation of ideas may be bigger than we are thinking. so, Don’t miss the opportunity to establish yourself. It is the great place to re-innovate yourself and to make proud of yourself. The aim of the conference is to create solutions in different ways and to share innovative ideas. We are going to conduct on different fields like Engineering, Science and Management. Conference is going to be conducted on Goa to bring out participants from stress and to make conference more rememberable. There will Awards ceremony for best performers and every participants will get a certificate and for each group, WCSET conference proceeding book and conference proceeding CD will be provided. We will provide food for Coffee break and Lunch break. The meeting will be held each year to make it a perfect stage for individuals to share perspectives and puts a spotlight on Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Other CFPs
- IRF - International Conference on Smart Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICSTEEE - 2019)
- IRF - International Conference on Recent advancement in Medical Education, Nursing, and Health Sciences(ICRAMNH - 2019)
- IRF - International Conference on Civil, Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering (ICMPIE - 2019)
- IRF - International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and Information Technology(ICITBDIT - 2019)
- IRF - International Conference on Environmental, Food, Agriculture and Bio-Technology(ICEFABT - 2019)
Last modified: 2019-03-11 19:07:20