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ICAST 2019 - International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST)



VenueBirkbeck University of London Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HX, UK - United Kingdom UK - United Kingdom

KeywordsSCOPUS indexed; Thomson Reuters indexed; Elsevier Indexed


Topics/Call fo Papers

International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST), which is being organized by IRP in association with ICCI-SEM at London, United Kingdom on dated 08 May 2019. All are invited to contribute their well thought research paper on any of the sub theme within the main theme of the conference.
Academicians, industry practitioners, research scholars and students are invited to contribute original research papers (both empirical and conceptual) and case studies on any of the following areas. The topics given are just suggestive in nature. You may feel free to submit manuscripts on related topics in your area of specialization.
Fundamental and Applied Sciences
1. Catalysis
2. Chemical Sciences
3. Computational Modeling
4. Engineering Sciences
5. Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
6. Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences
7. Green Technology
8. Science and Engineering Education
9. Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
10. Medical Sciences
11. Nanotechnology
12. Physics and Mathematical Sciences
13. Physics
14. Mathematics
15. Chemistry
16. Biology
17. Educational Physics
18. Educational Mathematics
19. Educational Chemistry
20. Educational Biology
21. Natural Science Education
Material Science and Engineering
1. Advanced Polymer Chemistry
2. Applied Optics
3. Crystal Structure
4. Electronic Ceramic Materials
5. Magnetic Materials
6. Mechanical, Behavior of Materials
7. Optoelectronic Materials
8. Physical Ceramics
9. Solidification Processing
10. Thermodynamics of Materials
11. Welding Metallurgy
12. X-ray Diffraction
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
1. Power Generation
2. Transmission and Distribution
3. Renewable Energy Sources
4. Smart Grids Technologies & Applications
5. Power Electronics, Systems and Applications
6. Electrical Machines
7. High Voltage Engineering
8. Insulation Technology Controls
9. Electrical Power Systems
10. Circuits and Systems
11. Communication Systems
12. Signal Processing
Computer Engineering and Sciences
1. Artificial Intelligent System
3. Computer Application Technology
4. Control Technology
5. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
6. Graph and Image Processing
7. Grid Computing and Cluster Computing
8. Multimedia Technology
9. Network Engineering Communication
10. Pattern recognition
11. Software Engineering
12. Signal and Image Processing
Mechanical Engineering
1. Adaptive Control
2. Conduction Heat Transfer
3. Continuum Mechanics
4. Corrosion and Reliability
5. Micro-System Technology
6. Numerical Heat Transfer
7. Physical System Modeling
8. Precision Fluid Power control
9. Thermal system Analysis
10. Theory of Thermal Stresses
11. Viscoelastic Fluids
12. Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
Biological Engineering
1. Advanced Biochemistry
2. Biomedical Polymers
3. Biomedical Ultrasonics
4. Clinical Gait Analysis : Theory Application
5. Mathematics for Biomedical Engineering
6. Medical Devices Quality System
7. Medical Ethics
8. Medical Microsensor
9. Physical Stimulation on Cell and Tissue
10. Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging
11. Radiation Physics for Medicine and Biology
12. Solid Biomechanics
Chemical Engineering
1. Thermodynamics
2. Advanced Process Control
3. Advanced Transport Phenomena
4. Enzyme and Fermentation Engineering
5. Interfacial Phenomena
6. Ionic Liquids
7. Material Development
8. Process Safety
9. Process System Engineering
10. Reactor Technology
11. Scaling Concepts in Microfluidics Separation
Civil Engineering
1. Coastal Engineering
2. Computational Mechanics
3. Construction Technology
4. Geological Engineering
5. Geotechnical Engineering
6. Hydraulic Engineering
7. Monitoring and Control Of Structures
8. Safety Management
9. Seismic Engineering
10. Transportation and Highway Engineering
11. Water Engineering
Environmental Science
1. Air Pollution
2. Atmospheric Diffusion
3. Biological Treatment Processes
4. Control of Toxic Gases
5. Fluid Mechanics
6. Ground Water Pollution
7. Hydrology
8. Industrial Air Pollution
9. Solid Wastes
10. Thermodynamics
11. Water and Wastewater Treatment
12. Water Pollution Control

Last modified: 2019-04-24 15:45:26