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WoGPUC 2011 - WoGPUC 2011 : Workshop on GPU Computing



VenueTorun, Poland Poland



Topics/Call fo Papers

Workshop on GPU Computing
Held in conjunction with PPAM 2011 -- 9th International Conference on
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
September 11-14, 2011
Torun, Poland


GPU programming is now a much richer environment that it used to be a
few years ago. On top of the two major programming languages, CUDA and
OpenCL, libraries (e.g., cufft) and high level interfaces (e.g., thrust)
have been developed that allow a fast access to the computing power of GPUs
without detailed knowledge or programming of GPU hardware.

Annotation-based programming models (e.g., PGI Accelerator), GPU plug-ins
for existing mathematical software (e.g., Jacket in Matlab), GPU script
languages (e.g., PyOpenCL), and new data parallel languages (e.g.,
Copperhead) bring GPU programming to a new level.

A major decision for libraries and high level programming tools is the
positioning within the triangle of performance, coding comfort and
specialization. The spectrum ranges from high performance building
blocks for common numeric or discrete transformations, to application
domain specific libraries facilitating the solution of a certain class
of problems, to general high level abstractions increasing the
programmer's productivity.

By sharing the experiences of utilizing programming abstractions we hope
that the participants of the workshop will gain a better understanding
which tools are good for which type of problem and which trade-offs
between performance, coding comfort and specialization are available.

A major criticism of programming abstractions is that they look great on
small examples but fail on practical problems. Therefore, this workshop
invites in particular submission that deal with practical applications
that have successfully employed GPU libraries or high level programming
tools. The focus may lie both on the development of the libraries or
utilization of existing tools. Workshop topics include, but are not
limited to:

- GPU applications coded with high level programming tools
- GPU library development and application
- Comparison of different programming abstractions on the same/similar
- Comparison of the same/similar programming abstractions on different
- Performance and coding effort of high level tools against hand-coded
approaches on the GPU
- Performance and coding effort on multi-core CPUs against GPUs
utilizing programming abstractions
- Classification of different programming abstractions with respect to
their best application area


The rules of PPAM conference apply. In particular:

- Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
merit, relevance to the workshop topics, originality, correctness and quality
of presentation
- Papers presented at the Minisymposium will be included into the proceedings
and published after the conference by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series
- Abstracts of accepted papers will be available during the conference
as a brochure or posted at the web.
- Regular papers are not to exceed 10 pages (LNCS style).
- Final camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be required by
October 31, 2011.

Important dates:

Submission of Papers: April 30, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2011
Conference: September 11-14, 2011
Camera-Ready Papers: October 31, 2011

Special issue in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
(a journal from John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.):

This issue is by invitation only to best papers presented at the Workshop
on Exploitation of Hardware Accelerators (WEHA 2011) to be held
in Istanbul (Turkey) in July 2011 in conjunction with HPCS 2011
and the 2nd Workshop on GPU Computing to be held in September 2011
at Torun (Poland) in conjuctionwith PPAM 2011.
* The editors of the special issue are Margarita Amor, RamÃ?n Doallo,
Basilio B. Fraguela, Josep R. Herrero, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortà ,
and Robert Strzodka
* Submission deadline: January 31, 2012
* Reviews due: April 30, 2012
* Final version of the paper: August 31, 2012
* Electronic Publication: four months after all final papers submitted
* The submitted papers must have at least 30% difference from the conference
original papers.


Josep R. Herrero, Enrique S. Quintana-Orti, and Robert Strzodka.

Program Committee:

All submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop scientific committee

Last modified: 2011-02-12 19:47:03