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SCIE 2011 - Special Issue on “Ubiquitous Information Technology for Intelligent Applications”, Journal of Internet Technology (SCIE)



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Topics/Call fo Papers

Journal of Internet Technology (ISSN: 1607-9264) indexed by SCI-E

Special Issue on "Ubiquitous Information Technology for Intelligent

Ubiquitous Information Technology (UIT) has rapidly emerged as a new
computing paradigm and it covers the topics of seamless, secure,
visible, and intuitive access to provide computing and communication
services at anytime and anywhere. There are many issues to stably
provide UIT services and much effort and enormous attention have been
focused on the UIT environments. The UIT research area poses
challenges such as Mobile systems, intelligent systems, context
information, security, reliability, autonomous and intelligent
networking, digital and multimedia systems, and so on. The UIT offers
an unprecedented opportunity for various modern intelligent
applications under convergence of intelligent system technology and
UIT. Its main purpose is to solve the various problems of intelligent
applications using the convergence of state-of-the-art computer
science technology.

This special issue aims to address the trustworthy and enhanced mobile
system and semantic data management for UIT. It will accept both
original research papers and review articles that enhance the
state-of-the-art in trustworthy and constant intelligent applications
and systems including topics such as Communication Protocols,
Ubiquitous Intelligent Applications, Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems,
Smart Appliances and Wearable Devices, Ubiquitous Smart Environments,
Mobile and Ubiquitous Multicasting, Ubiquitous Multimedia, Multimedia
Visualization and applications, and so on.

** Topics **

It will cover the following topical areas but are not limited to:

- Mobile Devices and Systems

- Wireless PAN/LAN/WAN for UIT

- Communication Protocols for UIT

- Ubiquitous Intelligent Applications and Systems

- Smart Appliances and Wearable Devices for UIT

- Ubiquitous Smart Environments

- RFID and Sensor Network

- Ubiquitous Agents

- Mobile and Ubiquitous Multicasting for UIT

- Mobile Broadcasting for UIT

- Ubiquitous Multimedia

- Multimedia Visualization and applications for UIT

** Schedule **

Deadline for full manuscript submission: March 1, 2011

Final acceptance notification: May 1, 2011

Final manuscript due: Sept. 1, 2011

Publication date: Nov., 2011 (Tentative)

** Submission Details **

Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail ( The
submitted manuscripts should be original and high quality
contributions that are not yet published or are not currently under
review by other journals. General information and instructions for
authors can be found at

** Guest Editors **

Prof. Min Hong (corresponding Guest Editor)

Division of Computer Science and Engineering

Soonchunhyang University, Korea


Prof. Vladimir Hahanov

Dean of Computer Engineering Faculty

IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member

Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine


Prof. Chen Yu

School of Computer Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China


Last modified: 2011-01-30 22:08:33