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EDM 2011 - 2011 12th International Conference and Seminar of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM 2011)



VenueNovosibirs, Russia Russia



Topics/Call fo Papers

Novosibirsk State Technical University
Karl Marx prospect, 20, NSTU
EDM-2010 Organizing Committee
Tel. +7-952-908- 1969
Fax +7-383-346-0209


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Byisk Institute of Technology (Branch of Altay State Technical University), Byisk, Russia

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Byisk Institute of Technology (Branch of Altay State Technical University), Byisk, Russia
IEEE Electron Devices Society
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society


Chairman: Prof., Dr.Sc. Nicolay V. Pustovoy, Rector of Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof., Dr.Sc., Igor G. Neizvestny, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Counselor of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof., Dr. Sc., Anatoly V. Dvurechenskii, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-director of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof., Dr.Sc. Victor A. Gridchin, Honorary worker of High School of Russia, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Secretary: Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sc., Alexander V. Gridchin, Department SDME, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Editor: Denis S. Akulov, Head of enterprise, Novosibirsk, Russia.


Prof. I.G. Neizvestny, Dr. Sc., Corresponding member of RAS, Counselor of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. A.V. Dvurechenskii, Dr. Sc., Corresponding member of RAS, Vice-director of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. A.V. Latyshev, Dr. Sc., Corresponding member of RAS, Vice-director on schence of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. O.P. Pchelyakov, Dr. Sc., Head of Laboratory, Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. V.A. Gaisler, Dr. Sc., Head of Department, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. S.A. Kharitonov, Dr. Sc., Head of Department, IEEE Novosibirsk Joint IA/IE/PEL Chapter Chair, IEEE Senior Member, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. V. K. Makukha, Dr. Sc., Head of Department, IEEE Novosibirsk EMBS Chapter Chair, IEEE Senior Member, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. I.S. Gruzman, Dr. Sc., Department TBR, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. A.N. Fionov, Dr. Sc., Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. V.V. Luchinin, Dr. Sc., St. Petersburg University of Electrical Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Prof. V.V. Bolotov, Dr. Sc., Director of Omsk Branch of ISP SB RAS, Omsk, Russia.
Prof. V.N. Khmelev, Vice-director on science, IEEE Senior Member, Biysk Institute of Technology (Branch of Altay State Technical University), Byisk, Russia.


Prof. E.B. Tsoy, Vice-rector, International Relations, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Prof. Dietrich Zahn, Vice-rector of Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany.
Prof. Jan Van der Spiegel,Director of the Center of Sensor Technologies, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, the USA.
Prof. Marian Kazmierkovski, Warsaw Polytechnic University, Warsaw, Poland.
Prof. David Tien, Charles Sturt University, Sydney, Australia.
Prof. J.H. Lee, Director of College of the University of Ulsan, Ulsan, South Korea.


Providing the possibility for quick and effective acquaintance of young specialists with modern achievements of leading scientific schools from various universities and research institutes worldwide.


Young scientists until 35 years old, graduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral students.


Professors, Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, Heads of Labs and Departments, Chief Designers, Directors of Research and Industrial Organizations.


Work languages for the Conference and Seminar are Russian and English. Presentations should be prepared as Power Point files (.PPT and .PPTX).


? Section 1. Physics of micro- and nanostructures.
? Section 2. Practical problems of designing and technology of micro- and nanosystems.
? Section 3. Fundamental problems of radio- and television systems, radiolocation and telecommunications.
? Section 4. Sonic and ultrasonic devices: physics, electronics, applications.
? Section 5. Optical electronic devices and systems: physics, electronics, applications.
? Section 6. Power electronics, mechanotronics and automation.

Detailed description of sections:

Section 1. The area of interests of the section includes: physical properties of metals, semiconductors and insulators (including low-k structures: carbon and silicon nanostructures, quantum wells, quantum wires and dots), as well as organic materials, which can be applied to nanoelectronics; ideas and possibilities of application of micro- and nanostructures for human needs; technologies for preparing and investigating these structures; investigating the physical phenomena, which take place in these structures.

Section 2. The Section will consider the problems related to computer modeling, such as ideas of building and testing of finite-element and finite-difference models of electronic devices and systems in various environment of computer designing; ideas and solutions for technological designing of electronic devices and ICs in Sentaurus TCAD as well as electrophysical designing in ANSYS, MEMS Pro and other; comparison of computer modeling results with a theory and results of experimental testing the prepared modules.

Section 3. The Section concentrates on fundamental problems of development and application of wired and wireless communications standards; building and exploitation of local wireless networks (WLAN) and new generation networks (NGN); technologies and devices for coding and decoding the information; development and exploitation of antennas and fiber systems, broadcasting systems, television and radio equipment; development and application of technologies for connection with moving objects, including GPS; theory and technologies of the signal filtration as well as theory and technologies for visualization of signals.

Section 4. This section will be dedicated to physics of propagation of sonic and ultrasonic waves in various media and interaction of these waves with various objects; computer model of sonic and ultrasonic generators; designing of sonic and ultrasonic generators for various purposes in science, industry and medicine; software for sonic and ultrasonic generators.

Section 5. This section will be dedicated to physical fundamentals of optical electronic engineering; operation principles of optical electronic devices (OED) and various systems; methods for signal processing and their selection from noises, using in OED; methods for calculation and designing of OED; practical applications of OED; technologies for the fabrication of the thermometers, pyrometers, heat flow sensors and other thermal transducers.

Section 6. The area of interests of this section includes: mathematical modeling and calculating the parameters of asynchronous motors, frequency transducers, voltage generators, power and current rectifiers, thyristors, IGBT, current sensors; modeling and calculation of control systems for electrical drives and other technological scientific, industrial and consumer equipment; technologies for processing the high-power signals with the aid of microprocessors, microcontrollers, AC/DC and DC/AC devices; transitional processes which take place under switching of control devices for power electronics.


Altay Mountains is the unique land, the healthy air of mountains and spring water which attract a lot of tourists not only from Russia, but also from countries of the former Soviet Union, the European Union, the USA and Asian countries. Participants of various scientific conferences, which are held in the Altay mountains have the unique possibility for free communication and free exchange with each other. The comfortable bus will carry all participants and quests to the venue of the Conference and Seminar. Wide program of cultural and sport events like rafting, riding as well as bus excursions will be offered to participants and quests of the EDM’2010. The equipment for presentation of reports like computers, projectors and printers will be available for reporters.
Summer temperature in Altay Mountains is +20…25 °С, but rain is possible. Due to favorable conditions you will not only have the possibility to work fruitfully but also to relax.


For participation in the Conference and Seminar all potential participants, including guests, should complete and submit an interactive Application Form ( Author of papers should define the section under which this paper will be presented and the purpose for submitting the paper (publication, personal participation, etc.). In the application form the exact number of requested copies of the volume of proceeding should be indicated, since the number of printing copies depends on the number of requests. The deadline for submitting the application form is April 30, 2010.
Reports submitted to the Program Committee should contain the results of original and not yet published scientific research, prepared as a scientific paper. The rules for preparing the text of report is given in the specimen (in this website).
The paper is considered to be accepted after receiving the verification of Program Committee by e-mail. After receiving this verification message the author becomes official participant of the Conference and his/her paper includes into the volume of proceedings. After that the registration fee should be paid.
After submitting the paper and considering it by the Program Committee the author should receive the official acceptance message and status of registered participant. After that the registration fee should be paid.
The text of paper, prepared for publication should highlight the essence of scientific research and personal participation of author in the research. The reports with low scientific level will be rejected. All papers should be submitted as .DOC or .DOCX files. The papers submitted as .PDF files will be returned for preparing the .DOC file.
The volume of paper submitted for publication in the volume of proceedings should not exceed 7 pages.


The registration fee have two forms: for personal participation and for publication of papers in absentia. The second option gives the possibility to publish the paper in the volume of proceedings but not gives the possibility to visit the conference and to make the oral presentation.
Amount of registration fee:

Publication of papers in absentia: $100,00.

Student participation: $170,00.

IEEE Non-member participation: $325,00.

IEEE member participation: $250,00.

Additional volume of proceedings: $25,00.
This amount includes local travel expenses, accommodations and meals during 4 days. Stay off the dates of Conference and Seminar will be borne by the participants themselves.
Authors of papers accepted for publication should pay the publication fee and registration fee via bank transfer to the Bank’s account of the Novosibirsk State Technical University until June 01, 2010. The Bank’s information can be provided to the author by the representative of the Organizing Committee.


April 30, 2010 ? deadline for submitting the Application Forms.
May 15, 2010 ? deadline for submitting the full text of papers.
June 01, 2010 ? deadline for making payment.

For all questions connected with registration of application forms, paying the registration fee, visa supporting and travel please contact:
Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Alexander V. Gridchin,, tel. 8-952-908-19-69

For all questions connected with submitting and publishing the papers please contact:
Editor of Issue: Denis S. Akulov, Head of enterprise, tel. 8-913-702-83-42

Last modified: 2011-01-30 13:44:04