Biomass 2012 - The 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
Topics/Call fo Papers
The Conference and Exhibition offer a unique platform to present innovative results and ideas to Biomass specialists and decision makers from all continents. The subjects for which we are inviting you to submit your contributions are based on the experiences of our previous successful global European Biomass Conferences. The subjects have been further developed and reflect recent scientific technology and market developments, with new specific topics on Algae and Novel Crops, Recycling of conversion residues, Torrefaction of biomass as well as Bio-processes and Bio-based systems.
You find detailed news and information on the Conference subjects and the procedures for the submission of abstracts in the Final Call for Papers, to be downloaded from:
All authors wishing to contribute and to present innovative development, progress, and scientific results to the Biomass Community are very welcome to submit their abstract by 31 January 2012.
For questions concerning abstract submission please contact:
Ms. Catherina Bernaschina Tel.: +39-055-500 22 80 or Mr. Wolfgang Hiegl Tel.: +49-89-720 12 731, E-mail:
For latest news on the 19th EU BC&E, please visit the website
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions for the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Milano in June 2012!
You find detailed news and information on the Conference subjects and the procedures for the submission of abstracts in the Final Call for Papers, to be downloaded from:
All authors wishing to contribute and to present innovative development, progress, and scientific results to the Biomass Community are very welcome to submit their abstract by 31 January 2012.
For questions concerning abstract submission please contact:
Ms. Catherina Bernaschina Tel.: +39-055-500 22 80 or Mr. Wolfgang Hiegl Tel.: +49-89-720 12 731, E-mail:
For latest news on the 19th EU BC&E, please visit the website
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions for the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Milano in June 2012!
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2011-09-28 17:37:07