MMS 2011 - MMS 2011 : Mediterranean Microwave Symposium
Topics/Call fo Papers
The 11th edition of the Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS-2011) will be held in the beautiful Mediterranean City of Tunisia, Hammamet in September 08-10, 2011.
MMS-2011 is an international symposium that will feature an extensive selection of oral presentations, poster presentations, tutorials, and technical papers.
MMS-2011 is an international symposium that will feature an extensive selection of oral presentations, poster presentations, tutorials, and technical papers.The European Microwave Association (EuMA) is sponsoring three Awards for the first three students best papers presented in MMS-2011. Students wishing to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their papers. Submissions will be evaluated for originality, significance of the work, technical soundness and interest to a wide audience. Proposals for tutorial seminars are also invited.
The accepted papers that are presented in MMS-2011 will be published in MMS-2011 Proceedings, IEEE Digital Library and special issues of international journals.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) :
Propagation, scattering and diffraction
Microwave/millimeter wave CAD
Waves in composite and complex media
Photonics, non-linear optics and devices
RFIC design and fabrication
RF Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (RF-MEMS)
Planar circuits, antenna theory and measurements
Medical applications and biological effects
RF and wireless technology and applications
Linear/non-linear characterization and CAD
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Paper Submission :
Authors are invited to submit an abstract up to 4 pages by March 20, 2011. The preferred file format is PDF. The proposed contribution should be prepared according to IEEE tandard template for conference proceedings available at this link.
The file should be submitted to this link.
Accepted papers will be published in : MMS-2011 Proceedings, IEEE Digital Library and special issues of international journals.
Important Dates :
Papers submission : 30th April 2011
Author notification : 30th May 2011
Final papers due : 30th June 2011
PRESENTING AUTHOR MUST PRE-REGISTER BY June 30, 2011. Each presenting author is limited to presenting no more than two papers and is required to register in advance.
The registration fees include the symposium program, proceedings, coffee breaks and the opening reception.
An advanced program together with travel, accommodation and registration information will be mailed by Jully 10, 2011.
MMS-2011 is an international symposium that will feature an extensive selection of oral presentations, poster presentations, tutorials, and technical papers.
MMS-2011 is an international symposium that will feature an extensive selection of oral presentations, poster presentations, tutorials, and technical papers.The European Microwave Association (EuMA) is sponsoring three Awards for the first three students best papers presented in MMS-2011. Students wishing to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their papers. Submissions will be evaluated for originality, significance of the work, technical soundness and interest to a wide audience. Proposals for tutorial seminars are also invited.
The accepted papers that are presented in MMS-2011 will be published in MMS-2011 Proceedings, IEEE Digital Library and special issues of international journals.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) :
Propagation, scattering and diffraction
Microwave/millimeter wave CAD
Waves in composite and complex media
Photonics, non-linear optics and devices
RFIC design and fabrication
RF Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (RF-MEMS)
Planar circuits, antenna theory and measurements
Medical applications and biological effects
RF and wireless technology and applications
Linear/non-linear characterization and CAD
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Paper Submission :
Authors are invited to submit an abstract up to 4 pages by March 20, 2011. The preferred file format is PDF. The proposed contribution should be prepared according to IEEE tandard template for conference proceedings available at this link.
The file should be submitted to this link.
Accepted papers will be published in : MMS-2011 Proceedings, IEEE Digital Library and special issues of international journals.
Important Dates :
Papers submission : 30th April 2011
Author notification : 30th May 2011
Final papers due : 30th June 2011
PRESENTING AUTHOR MUST PRE-REGISTER BY June 30, 2011. Each presenting author is limited to presenting no more than two papers and is required to register in advance.
The registration fees include the symposium program, proceedings, coffee breaks and the opening reception.
An advanced program together with travel, accommodation and registration information will be mailed by Jully 10, 2011.
Other CFPs
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- 42nd European Solid State Device Research Conference
- ESSDERC 2011 : 41st European Solid State Device Research Conference
- The 6th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics: IMF 2011
- WMNC 2011 : 4th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference
Last modified: 2011-01-28 18:40:58