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IPSoN 2011 - First IPSoN 2011 International Workshop Integration of Physical and Social-Network Sensing & Mining



VenueStevens Po, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

First IPSoN 2011 International Workshop
Integration of Physical and Social-Network Sensing & Mining

Co-located with Digital Information and Web Technologies Conference ICADIWT 2011
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, USA. August 4-6, 2011.

Accepted workshop papers will be published in the ICADIWT 2011 proceedings and indexed in IEEE Xplore

Mobile devices, wearables and wireless sensor networks have been lately used to monitor and sense real world. On one hand, processing of information that has been sensed in the real world is used to detect human activities, environmental and urban state, healthcare conditions, proximity and concentrations of people, epidemic trends, network and routing planning and other natural and human-generated situations describing aspects of the real world. On the other hand, the evolution of the web in terms of user-generated content and the proliferation of online social networks have generated tremendous amount of information, describing dynamic interaction of people with each other, with their surroundings and brought together through their common interests in both, virtual and real worlds.
IPSoN Workshop intends to provide a forum for discussions on the topic of Physical and Social-Network Sensing & Mining Integration. The Workshop will explore different challenges involved in the integration of data originated from both sources, physical and online taking into consideration (but not limited) to different research topics such as large scale data integration, participatory sensing from multiple sources, correlation of physical-digital information, geo-located and online social networks correlations, trust and security,

IPSON Workshop will foster discussions and accept submissions on a comprehensive list of challenges; including, but not limited to:

? Mobility and geo-localization and their impact to/from social networks
? Wireless sensor networks, mobile devices and social network sensing
? Implications to system design of integrated physical and social network sensing
? Correlation from personal & virtual group spaces and sensors
? Impacts of searching and mining the Internet of things to social networks
? Multi-source information integration
? Search in pervasive social databases
? Models and representations of real-virtual dynamics
? Participatory sensing
? Case studies and applications of mixed sensing and mining
? Content centric networks
? Social metrics for network operation
? Middleware for mobile, wsn and social networks
? Web dynamics and grid/cloud computing
? Security, privacy, reputation and trust issues
? Users studies and human factors in real-online combined sensing
? Applications of physical-online sensing

Submissions and Important Dates

IPSoN 2011 will accept paper submissions from 6 pages in IEEE format. Authors can find templates in DIWT Conference website in the following link All submissions must be sent as pdf documents to omayora [at] create-net [dot] org.
Accepted contributions will be included in the IEEE proceedings and indexed in IEEE Xplore. Best papers may be invited to a Special Issue on a high impact Journal.

Paper submissions deadline March 1st, 2011
Notifications of Acceptance March 31st, 2011
Camera ready due April 10th, 2011

Workshop Organizers:

Oscar Mayora

Ryoichi Shinkuma
Kyoto University, Japan

Francesco Calabrese
IBM Research, Ireland and MIT, USA

Paul Moore
ATOS Research, Spain

Technical Program Committee

Akihisa Kodate Tsuda College
Daniele Quercia Cambridge University
Dominik Dahlem MIT
Elizabeth Daly University of Dublin
Giusy di Lorenzo MIT
Hajime Nakamura KDDI
Hiroyuki Kasai U. of Electro-Communications
Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge
Koichi Hioki Kobe University
Marcelo Caleff University of Naples
Masashi Toyoda Tokyo University?
Naohisa Ohta Keio University
Pan Hui Deutsche Telekom
Paul Lukowicz University of Passau
Petros Daras CERTH
Qi He Pennsylvania State University
Santi Phithakkilnukoon MIT
Satoko Itaya NEC
Symeon Papavassiliou Technical University of Athens
Takahiro HARA Osaka University
Theodore Zahariadis SYNELIXIS
Thomas Karagiannis Microsoft Research, Cambridge?
Vassilis Kostakos Bath University
Vincent Blondel Univ. Catholic Louvain

Last modified: 2011-01-27 13:13:33