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MESOCA 2012 - IEEE 6th International Workshop on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems



VenueTrento, Italy Italy



Topics/Call fo Papers

Co-located with the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2012)
Monday, September 24, 2012 ? Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy
There are many successful case studies of SOA adoption, mainly in commercial enterprises. Part of what Gartner terms the “period of enlightenment” related to hype cycles for emerging technology is the move from SOA as simply a set of technologies to service-orientation as a mindset for architecting, implementing and deploying services that add value to an organization. Regardless of this positive perception change, there are still two concerns from a maintenance and evolution perspective: (1) deployed service-oriented systems will have to be maintained and evolved and (2) legacy systems will continue to use service-orientation to make their legacy functionality available to other systems and applications.
Cloud Computing is emerging as a new model for system development and deployment, in which systems use resources from ? or are hosted, run and managed ? in large server farms and data centers, and provided as a service. The lack of control over these external resources creates additional challenges for systems migrating to these environments.
Workshop Goals
The main goal of MESOCA 2012 is to create a focal point and an ongoing forum for researchers and practitioners to share results and open issues in the area of maintenance and evolution of service-oriented and cloud-based systems.
Workshop Submission Process
We are looking for contributions in areas such as:
Tools, techniques and method to support migration to service-oriented and cloud environments
Evolution patterns of service-oriented and cloud-based systems
Transition patterns to service-oriented and cloud environments
Governance to support system evolution in service-oriented and cloud environments
Leverage of service-orientation best practices in cloud environments
Case studies of migration to service-oriented and cloud environments
The submission and review process will be done using EasyChair ( Submissions must be in IEEE CS Proceedings style and are limited to 10 pages. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings that are published by the IEEE Computer Society.

Last modified: 2012-02-02 13:13:08