eChallenges 2009 - The e Challenges e-2009 Conference
- 26th European Conference on Knowledge Management
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Age of Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges
- 13th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting
- 38th Global Conference on “AI and Educational Technology: Innovations and Challenges” (GAIET-25)
- The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Challenges and Issues of Modern Science" combined with scientific and pedagogical internship
Topics/Call fo Papers
eChallenges e-2009
Call for Papers
Istanbul - Turkey
Conference & Exhibition
October 2009
Thematic Priorities
ICT for Networked Enterprise & RFID
eGovernment & eDemocracy
eHealth ¨C Services to Citizens, Personalised Healthcare
eInfrastructures & Collaborative Working Environments
Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
Intelligent Content and Semantics
Networked, Smart and Virtual Organisations
Security and Identity Management
Technology Enhanced Learning
Supported by
Major Sponsors Technical Co-Sponsor
Submission of Papers
Paper Focus - Technical, Visionary, Business or Government Case Studies
Papers must highlight Level of Innovation and Actual or Expected Impact
Must present either a Case Study, Initial or Final Research Results
Initial Submission - Extended Abstract of 900 - 1,200 words in length
Online Submission Deadline 27 February 2009
Preliminary Programme Available 31 March 2009
Sponsorship Opportunities
Support Brand Identity & Build Relationships
with Leading Government, Industry and
Research Organisations from around the World
To Discuss a Standard or Customised Package,
Photograph Copyright (c) Istanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau
Conference Focus
eChallenges e-2009, which takes place in the beautiful city of Istanbul, is the nineteenth in a
series of annual research conferences focused on bringing together delegates from leading
commercial, government and research organisations around the world to bridge the Digital
Divide by sharing experiences & increasing awareness of innovative Information Communications
Technologies (ICT) research results and applications and identify opportunities for international
research collaboration under the ICT Priority of Framework Programme 7 (FP7).
Event Profi le
The eChallenges Conference Series has an international perspective, typically attracting over
600 delegates from over 50 countries and fi ve continents each year.
Its reputation is based on high quality papers and discussion workshops that showcase innovative
ICT research results and applications, whether funded privately, or at national, regional or
European level. The participation of representatives of leading government, commercial and
research organizations in the conference community ensures a stimulating and high quality
networking environment, providing an opportunity to share knowledge and experience with
potential research or exploitation partners. Each annual conference places a special focus on
host country activities, sectoral and national initiatives and regional success stories.
Call for Sponsors
eChallenges e-2009 is Supported by the European Commission, Hosted by Tubitak (Scientifi c
and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and TUR&BO (Public Private Partnership of Turkish
Research and Business Organisations), and Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE.
The eChallenges Conference Series is entirely self-funding through delegate registrations and
sponsorship. To learn more about available sponsorship opportunities and associated benefi ts,
please contact the Conference Secretariat:
eChallenges e-2008 Major Sponsors included Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications,
VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), City of Stockholm and
County Administrative Board of Stockholm. Other Sponsors included Future Position X.
Publishing Schedule
The publishing schedule for eChallenges e-2009 is as follows:
Extended abstracts submitted online by 27th February 2009
Provisional acceptance of extended abstracts by 31st March
Draft fi nal papers (using eChallenges Template) submitted online by 30th April
Feedback from International Programme Committee provided by 31st May
Final papers (using eChallenges Template) submitted online by 30th June
International Programme Committee
A distinguished International Programme Committee (IPC) is being formed by Paul Cunningham,
the Conference Chair. The IPC will evaluate and provide feedback on extended abstracts, draft
fi nal papers and fi nal presentations received, compile the programme, and chair sessions.
Conference Portal
For the most up to date information, please visit
Call for Papers
Istanbul - Turkey
Conference & Exhibition
October 2009
Thematic Priorities
ICT for Networked Enterprise & RFID
eGovernment & eDemocracy
eHealth ¨C Services to Citizens, Personalised Healthcare
eInfrastructures & Collaborative Working Environments
Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
Intelligent Content and Semantics
Networked, Smart and Virtual Organisations
Security and Identity Management
Technology Enhanced Learning
Supported by
Major Sponsors Technical Co-Sponsor
Submission of Papers
Paper Focus - Technical, Visionary, Business or Government Case Studies
Papers must highlight Level of Innovation and Actual or Expected Impact
Must present either a Case Study, Initial or Final Research Results
Initial Submission - Extended Abstract of 900 - 1,200 words in length
Online Submission Deadline 27 February 2009
Preliminary Programme Available 31 March 2009
Sponsorship Opportunities
Support Brand Identity & Build Relationships
with Leading Government, Industry and
Research Organisations from around the World
To Discuss a Standard or Customised Package,
Photograph Copyright (c) Istanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau
Conference Focus
eChallenges e-2009, which takes place in the beautiful city of Istanbul, is the nineteenth in a
series of annual research conferences focused on bringing together delegates from leading
commercial, government and research organisations around the world to bridge the Digital
Divide by sharing experiences & increasing awareness of innovative Information Communications
Technologies (ICT) research results and applications and identify opportunities for international
research collaboration under the ICT Priority of Framework Programme 7 (FP7).
Event Profi le
The eChallenges Conference Series has an international perspective, typically attracting over
600 delegates from over 50 countries and fi ve continents each year.
Its reputation is based on high quality papers and discussion workshops that showcase innovative
ICT research results and applications, whether funded privately, or at national, regional or
European level. The participation of representatives of leading government, commercial and
research organizations in the conference community ensures a stimulating and high quality
networking environment, providing an opportunity to share knowledge and experience with
potential research or exploitation partners. Each annual conference places a special focus on
host country activities, sectoral and national initiatives and regional success stories.
Call for Sponsors
eChallenges e-2009 is Supported by the European Commission, Hosted by Tubitak (Scientifi c
and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and TUR&BO (Public Private Partnership of Turkish
Research and Business Organisations), and Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE.
The eChallenges Conference Series is entirely self-funding through delegate registrations and
sponsorship. To learn more about available sponsorship opportunities and associated benefi ts,
please contact the Conference Secretariat:
eChallenges e-2008 Major Sponsors included Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications,
VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), City of Stockholm and
County Administrative Board of Stockholm. Other Sponsors included Future Position X.
Publishing Schedule
The publishing schedule for eChallenges e-2009 is as follows:
Extended abstracts submitted online by 27th February 2009
Provisional acceptance of extended abstracts by 31st March
Draft fi nal papers (using eChallenges Template) submitted online by 30th April
Feedback from International Programme Committee provided by 31st May
Final papers (using eChallenges Template) submitted online by 30th June
International Programme Committee
A distinguished International Programme Committee (IPC) is being formed by Paul Cunningham,
the Conference Chair. The IPC will evaluate and provide feedback on extended abstracts, draft
fi nal papers and fi nal presentations received, compile the programme, and chair sessions.
Conference Portal
For the most up to date information, please visit
Other CFPs
- 2009 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM¡¯09)
- The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2009)
- International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE)
- The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2009
- Special Issue of IEEE Proceedings - RFID - A Unique Radio Innovation for the 21st Century
Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22