Business models 2018 - 1st Business models to bring your software research results to market
Topics/Call fo Papers
Stimulated and supported by different research programmes, over the years fundamental and applied research has been an important foundation activity which enables society to broach new frontiers in technologies and capacities, and which in turn works towards improving human and economic productivity. However, many breakthrough software discoveries often fail to realize their potential as an innovation, by which we describe a successful innovation as the bringing to market of an idea or process. This failure to reach the market/end-users can be seen as the incomplete exploitation of potential innovations by the very researchers who develop them. It is not only the direct results of the funded projects, but also the indirect and compound outputs formed from and created during the directed project that form the potential innovations and wider impact of Europe’s research activities.
In the context of H2020 program and Startup-Europe initiative, the objective of this 1-day workshop is to accelerate and foster the grow of new ventures by equipping researchers better to work with effective models for the successful commercialization/bringing to market of their R+D activities to increase productivity; to improve the private investment in further researchers; create more global innovations, and stimulate a greater interest from researchers to view the results of their work as potential opportunities to be exploited with the correct business model; and to briefly describe the European entrepreneurship ecosystem and the financial opportunities it offers.
Diego Alonso, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
Andrés Iborra, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
Claire Johnsen, University of Cambridge, UK
Indrė Laurinčiukaitė, CIVITTA Management Consulting , Lithuania
Kirsten Masson, University of Cambridge, UK
Maciej Nowak, Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland
Natalia Rimarczuk, Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland
Brendan Rowan, BluSpecs consultancy, Spain
Sander van der Molen, CIVITTA Management Consulting, Lithuania
In the context of H2020 program and Startup-Europe initiative, the objective of this 1-day workshop is to accelerate and foster the grow of new ventures by equipping researchers better to work with effective models for the successful commercialization/bringing to market of their R+D activities to increase productivity; to improve the private investment in further researchers; create more global innovations, and stimulate a greater interest from researchers to view the results of their work as potential opportunities to be exploited with the correct business model; and to briefly describe the European entrepreneurship ecosystem and the financial opportunities it offers.
Diego Alonso, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
Andrés Iborra, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
Claire Johnsen, University of Cambridge, UK
Indrė Laurinčiukaitė, CIVITTA Management Consulting , Lithuania
Kirsten Masson, University of Cambridge, UK
Maciej Nowak, Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland
Natalia Rimarczuk, Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland
Brendan Rowan, BluSpecs consultancy, Spain
Sander van der Molen, CIVITTA Management Consulting, Lithuania
Other CFPs
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- 2nd Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures International Workshop (CASA)
- 1st Software Architecture Challenges in Big Data (SACBD)
- 12th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems (WDES)
- 1st International Workshop on Architectural Knowledge for Self-adaptive Systems (AKSAS)
Last modified: 2018-05-06 16:24:40