Topics/Call fo Papers
Indicative topics/keywords of the broad spectrum of issues to be addressed:
Access to education and learning
Access to mobile interaction
Access to on-line communities and eServices
Access to the Internet of Things
Access to the Web
Accessibility guidelines
Accessibility of Smart and Intelligent Environments
Accessible games
Accessible documents and multimedia
Adaptive and augmented interaction
Alternative I/O techniques
Assistive Environments
Assistive Robots
Architectures and tools for universal access
Avatar and Sign Language Technologies
Collective intelligence for Universal Access
Context-awareness for universal access
Design for Aging
Design for All best practice
Design for All education and training
Design for All methods, techniques and tools
Design for Children with and without disabilities
Design for Cognitive Disabilities
Design for Quality of Life Technologies
Emotional and affective interaction for Universal Access
Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability, and User Experience
Intelligent Rehabilitation Technologies
Interaction science for Universal Access
Interaction personalization
Interaction techniques, platforms and metaphors
Mobility and way-finding
Modality-independent and multimodal interaction
Multi-sensory interfaces
Personal Informatics for Universal Access
Universal Access Development methods
User, context and interaction modeling for Universal Access
User, context and interaction monitoring for Universal Access
User Interface adaptation for universal access
Access to education and learning
Access to mobile interaction
Access to on-line communities and eServices
Access to the Internet of Things
Access to the Web
Accessibility guidelines
Accessibility of Smart and Intelligent Environments
Accessible games
Accessible documents and multimedia
Adaptive and augmented interaction
Alternative I/O techniques
Assistive Environments
Assistive Robots
Architectures and tools for universal access
Avatar and Sign Language Technologies
Collective intelligence for Universal Access
Context-awareness for universal access
Design for Aging
Design for All best practice
Design for All education and training
Design for All methods, techniques and tools
Design for Children with and without disabilities
Design for Cognitive Disabilities
Design for Quality of Life Technologies
Emotional and affective interaction for Universal Access
Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability, and User Experience
Intelligent Rehabilitation Technologies
Interaction science for Universal Access
Interaction personalization
Interaction techniques, platforms and metaphors
Mobility and way-finding
Modality-independent and multimodal interaction
Multi-sensory interfaces
Personal Informatics for Universal Access
Universal Access Development methods
User, context and interaction modeling for Universal Access
User, context and interaction monitoring for Universal Access
User Interface adaptation for universal access
Other CFPs
- 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- 19th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning
- 2018 IEEE 13th Nanotechnology Materials & Devices Conference
Last modified: 2018-03-17 23:22:36