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CGO 2019 - International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization

Date2019-02-16 - 2019-02-20


VenueWashington, DC, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

Original contributions are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Code Generation, Translation, Transformation, and Optimization for performance, energy, virtualization, portability, security, or reliability concerns, and architectural support
Efficient execution of dynamically typed and higher-level languages
Optimization and code generation for emerging programming models, platforms, domain-specific languages
Dynamic/static, profile-guided, feedback-directed, and machine learning based optimization
Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Analysis for performance, energy, memory locality, throughput or latency, security, reliability, or functional debugging
Program characterization methods
Efficient profiling and instrumentation techniques; architectural support
Novel and efficient tools
Compiler design, practice and experience
Compiler abstraction and intermediate representations
Vertical integration of language features, representations, optimizations, and runtime support for parallelism
Solutions that involve cross-layer (HW/OS/VM/SW) design and integration
Deployed dynamic/static compiler and runtime systems for general purpose, embedded system and Cloud/HPC platforms
Parallelism, heterogeneity, and reconfigurable architectures
Optimizations for heterogeneous or specialized targets, GPUs, SoCs, CGRA
Compiler support for vectorization, thread extraction, task scheduling, speculation, transaction, memory management, data distribution and synchronization

Last modified: 2018-03-04 17:13:04