APMC-18 2018 - 2nd Global Conference on Applied Physics, Mathematics and Computing
Date2018-07-25 - 2018-07-26
KeywordsPhysics; Mathematics; Computing / Informatics
Topics/Call fo Papers
Applied Physics, Structural, Mechanical, Optical, and Thermodynamic Properties of Advanced Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces, Semiconductors, Optics and electromagnetics, Magnetics and Spintronics, Superconductivity and Superconducting Electronics, Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics, and Multiferroics, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Organic Electronics and Photonics, Device Physics, Biophysics and Bio-Inspired Systems, Energy Conversion and Storage, Agrophysics, Atmospheric physics, Geophysics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization, Applied partial differential equations, Numerical analysis and mathematical methods, Mathematical modeling in materials science and biology, Nonlinear problems in mechanics, Homogenisation and multiscale analysis, Inverse problems, Algebra and its application, Differential equations, dynamical systems and their applications, Fuzzy mathematics and its applications, Geometry and its application, Statistical methods in technical and economic sciences and practice, Probability and decision theory, Design of experiments, Game theory, Applied Computing, Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Computational chemistry and physics. Computational materials, Computational fluid dynamics, Computation and data enabled social science. Business and Social Issues, Computer Science, Bioinformatics and computational biology, Information Technology, Web Technology, Measurement Technologies, Software Design and Development, Simulation Tools, Formal Methods, Networking and Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2018-01-26 03:06:58