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AFIN 2018 - Tenth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet 2018

Date2018-09-16 - 2018-09-20


VenueVenice, Italy Italy



Topics/Call fo Papers

AFIN 2018 conference tracks:
IPv6-based Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing; Web of Things (WoT); Mobile cloud computing; Autonomous IoT; Wearable and mobile devices; Smart mobile terminals; Data in the IoT; Real-time big data; LTE networks wiht M2M (machine-to-machine) devices; Adaptive Streaming; Secure IoT device authentication; Standardization of IoT applications; Flow-based security; Adaptive trust; Security operations centers; Trusted data marketplaces; IoT Cloud-based videoconferencing systems; Large-scale datacenter networks; Traffic-aware control systems; Short-term traffic forecasting; Energy efficiency; Differentiated services; Internet neutrality; Pricing Ontology; Micro-billing
Persuasive Internet
Persuasive Internet solutions; Computer-supported online influence; Socially influencing web systems; Persuasive wellbeing; Human-internet interaction; User Interaction (UI) for influential Internet platforms; Scalable health behavior change; Online persuasion; Persuasive social media; Socially influencing User Experience (UX); Artificial online persuasion; Autonomous web solutions
New Internet Challenges
SDN, SDX, NFV; 4G/5G and advanced mobile Internet; Internet of X (everything, things, people, etc.); Internet, Virtualization and Cloud; Internet and Big Data; Sensing and sensor networks; Energy-aware networks; Content-oriented networking; Cellular cognitive networks; Future routing mechanisms
Internet Mechanisms
Internet protocols; Routing /multicast, on-demand, QoS-routing/etc./; Access control /multi technology/; Algorithms for broadband infrastructure; Address management /locator-location paradigm/; Recovering and fault-tolerance; In-network processing; Distributing computing /autonomic, on-demand, cloud/etc./; Context-aware and context recognition; Data-centers and nano-centers; Information processing /distribution, discovery, sharing/; Virtualization; Overlay infrastructure; Intelligent Web services; Service-centric networking
New Internet tooling
Integrate IPods, iPhones, Xboxes, and TiVos; Deliver IPTV, Triple-play and Quadruple play; Knowledge and social networks through Google map, YouTube and FaceBook; Knowledge dissemination and discovery; Distributed gaming; Web 2.0 and Semantic Web; Interactive television; Virtual 3-D videoconferencing; Telepresence
Challenging features
Internet computing; Distributed feature interaction; All-IP versus protocol translation; IP simplified network management; Security, trust, and privacy; Network stability under topology change; Delay-tolerant IP networks; Trustworthy Internet; Mobile computing; Ubiquitous computing; Reliability; Resilience; Scalability; User and service mobility; Wireless QoS; Traffic engineering; Network planning; Intermittent services; Virtualization; Self-management and control
Internet services and applications
Internet and private networking; Internet and smart homes; Internet and Web services; Internet and tracking systems; Internet and ehealth/telemedicine; Internet and sensor networks; Internet and financial applications; Internet and kids education; Internet and body-networks;Network-as-a-platform

Last modified: 2017-12-28 16:45:22