CICLOPS 2018 - 16th International Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and LOgic Programming Systems
Topics/Call fo Papers
Welcome to the website of CICLOPS 2018, the 16th Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems. CICLOPS 2018 is being held in conjunction with ICLP 2018 and FLoC 2018.
The workshop aims at discussing and exchanging experience on the design, implementation, and optimization of logic, constraint (logic) programming systems, and other systems based on logic as a means of expressing computations. Experience backed up by real implementations and their evaluation is given preference, as well as descriptions of work in progress in that direction.
Topics included, but not limited to:
Sequential implementation schemes (abstract machines, translation to other languages, etc.).
Implementation of concurrent and distributed logic and constraint programming systems.
Implementation of type inference and type checking systems for logic and constraint programming languages.
Compile-time analysis and its application to code generation.
Balance between compile-time effort and run-time machinery, dynamic compilation.
Interaction between high-level optimizations / transformations / specialization and low-level issues.
Memory management and garbage collection issues.
Indexing techniques and optimizations for large size programs.
Optimizations for program generated logic and constraint programs.
Implementation of logic engines in functional and object oriented languages.
Embedding of logic and constraint programming engines in multi-paradigm systems.
Implementation techniques for alternative logic engines and inference mechanisms (ASP, SAT, QSAT, DL etc.).
Implementation of theorem provers, proof assistants and logic based natural language processing systems.
Implementation of object and agent-oriented extensions to logic and constraint programming languages.
Object and module systems.
Design and implementation of declarative I/O concepts for logic and constraint programming languages.
Implementations and ports of logic and constraint programming systems for mobile phones and netbooks.
Documenting, debugging, testing, and profiling tools for logic and constraint programming systems.
Novel compilation methods to modern hardware (e.g. GPUs).
The workshop aims at discussing and exchanging experience on the design, implementation, and optimization of logic, constraint (logic) programming systems, and other systems based on logic as a means of expressing computations. Experience backed up by real implementations and their evaluation is given preference, as well as descriptions of work in progress in that direction.
Topics included, but not limited to:
Sequential implementation schemes (abstract machines, translation to other languages, etc.).
Implementation of concurrent and distributed logic and constraint programming systems.
Implementation of type inference and type checking systems for logic and constraint programming languages.
Compile-time analysis and its application to code generation.
Balance between compile-time effort and run-time machinery, dynamic compilation.
Interaction between high-level optimizations / transformations / specialization and low-level issues.
Memory management and garbage collection issues.
Indexing techniques and optimizations for large size programs.
Optimizations for program generated logic and constraint programs.
Implementation of logic engines in functional and object oriented languages.
Embedding of logic and constraint programming engines in multi-paradigm systems.
Implementation techniques for alternative logic engines and inference mechanisms (ASP, SAT, QSAT, DL etc.).
Implementation of theorem provers, proof assistants and logic based natural language processing systems.
Implementation of object and agent-oriented extensions to logic and constraint programming languages.
Object and module systems.
Design and implementation of declarative I/O concepts for logic and constraint programming languages.
Implementations and ports of logic and constraint programming systems for mobile phones and netbooks.
Documenting, debugging, testing, and profiling tools for logic and constraint programming systems.
Novel compilation methods to modern hardware (e.g. GPUs).
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2017-12-13 10:43:54