BIM 2018 - 1st Workshop on Biomedical Information Management: Challenges and Open Problems
Date2018-02-19 - 2018-02-20
VenueHamburg, Germany
Topics/Call fo Papers
1st Workshop on Biomedical Information Management: Challenges and Open Problems
Date: February 19/20, 2018
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Important dates:
- Abstract Submission: Jan 12, 2018
- Confirmation for presentation: Jan 19, 2018
- Registration: free until Feb. 9, 2018 (sponsored by BIMDANUBE project, see below)
- Workshop: Feb 19/20, 2018
The workshop will gather interested professionals across Europe working in the information or medical domain, such as medical researchers, medical doctors and entrepreneurs building their business around biomedical ICT.
The goal of the workshop is to obtain answers to the following questions:
* Use Cases: Experiences with information and knowledge management solutions actively used in the community
* Limitations of the current solutions
* Practitioner's view: Important problems in biomedical information management that are not addressed and automatized yet
* Educator's view: Important information bottlenecks in teaching medical students
* Proposals for next generation biomedical information management
* Artificial Intelligence in the Biomedical domain and in life sciences, including image/video, laboratory, EEG/MRT, -omics and text data
* Stakeholder's perspectives: Practitioners, Administration, Insurances, Researchers, Pharmaceutical Industry, ..
We invite abstracts up to 250 words, indicating your preference for a 15 or 30 minute presentation.
The workshop will feature a series of long invited talks (see for the current list of speakers), participant's talks, moderated panel discussions and ample time for networking and exchange.
Date: February 19/20, 2018
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Important dates:
- Abstract Submission: Jan 12, 2018
- Confirmation for presentation: Jan 19, 2018
- Registration: free until Feb. 9, 2018 (sponsored by BIMDANUBE project, see below)
- Workshop: Feb 19/20, 2018
The workshop will gather interested professionals across Europe working in the information or medical domain, such as medical researchers, medical doctors and entrepreneurs building their business around biomedical ICT.
The goal of the workshop is to obtain answers to the following questions:
* Use Cases: Experiences with information and knowledge management solutions actively used in the community
* Limitations of the current solutions
* Practitioner's view: Important problems in biomedical information management that are not addressed and automatized yet
* Educator's view: Important information bottlenecks in teaching medical students
* Proposals for next generation biomedical information management
* Artificial Intelligence in the Biomedical domain and in life sciences, including image/video, laboratory, EEG/MRT, -omics and text data
* Stakeholder's perspectives: Practitioners, Administration, Insurances, Researchers, Pharmaceutical Industry, ..
We invite abstracts up to 250 words, indicating your preference for a 15 or 30 minute presentation.
The workshop will feature a series of long invited talks (see for the current list of speakers), participant's talks, moderated panel discussions and ample time for networking and exchange.
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2017-12-12 10:53:58