2017 - Updating your Shareholder Partnership Agreements
VenueAurora, USA - United States
KeywordsAgreement between partners; Business ownership agreement; Working partner agreement
Topics/Call fo Papers
How long has it been that your partnership or group practice reviewed your agreement to ensure it reflects current trends and issues in the medical environment? The agreement the doctors signed many years ago may be vague, contain outdated values for buy-in/buy-outs or none at all, income distribution formulas may be sowing seeds of discontent or the group is suddenly faced with an untimely departure of a revenue producing doctor and also a steep buy-out. This workshop will cover the elements of Partnership/Shareholder/Buy-Sell issues and current trends, particularly the differences between junior/senior members.
Too often, physicians are faced with an unexpected event such as death or disability and realize their shareholder/partner agreements are woefully out of date or did not include concrete decisions which then result in litigation.
• Why Yearly Strategic Planning Meetings are essential
• Income Distribution Formula – Does this currently reflect productivity/fairness?
• Expense Share Agreement Formulas – Why some can game the system for low/high producers
• Senior Perks – Do the junior partners agree?
• Dropping Call – What age, what is the worth?
• Dropping /Surgery/OB/ or Going to Part Time – Should the doctor remain a partner?
• Buy/Sell Formulas – Do they reflect current trends in Goodwill, A/R and Tangible Assets?
• Death & Disability – What are the formulas for responsibility for overhead and buy out?
• Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Principles of Practice/Compliance – Should you put these in agreements?
• Vesting for external purchases by private equity firms/ hospitals or universities
Nurse practitioner
Physician Assistants
At the conclusion of this course, physicians and administrators will learn the elements of what needs to be included in Partnership/Shareholder/Buy-Sell agreements in this decade; what issues and current trends, particularly the differences between junior/senior members are, to ensure the current agreement reflects what the partnership/shareholders intend.
For more detail please click on this below link:
Email: support-AT-trainingdoyens.com
Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494
Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-1882
How long has it been that your partnership or group practice reviewed your agreement to ensure it reflects current trends and issues in the medical environment? The agreement the doctors signed many years ago may be vague, contain outdated values for buy-in/buy-outs or none at all, income distribution formulas may be sowing seeds of discontent or the group is suddenly faced with an untimely departure of a revenue producing doctor and also a steep buy-out. This workshop will cover the elements of Partnership/Shareholder/Buy-Sell issues and current trends, particularly the differences between junior/senior members.
Too often, physicians are faced with an unexpected event such as death or disability and realize their shareholder/partner agreements are woefully out of date or did not include concrete decisions which then result in litigation.
• Why Yearly Strategic Planning Meetings are essential
• Income Distribution Formula – Does this currently reflect productivity/fairness?
• Expense Share Agreement Formulas – Why some can game the system for low/high producers
• Senior Perks – Do the junior partners agree?
• Dropping Call – What age, what is the worth?
• Dropping /Surgery/OB/ or Going to Part Time – Should the doctor remain a partner?
• Buy/Sell Formulas – Do they reflect current trends in Goodwill, A/R and Tangible Assets?
• Death & Disability – What are the formulas for responsibility for overhead and buy out?
• Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Principles of Practice/Compliance – Should you put these in agreements?
• Vesting for external purchases by private equity firms/ hospitals or universities
Nurse practitioner
Physician Assistants
At the conclusion of this course, physicians and administrators will learn the elements of what needs to be included in Partnership/Shareholder/Buy-Sell agreements in this decade; what issues and current trends, particularly the differences between junior/senior members are, to ensure the current agreement reflects what the partnership/shareholders intend.
For more detail please click on this below link:
Email: support-AT-trainingdoyens.com
Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494
Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-1882
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Last modified: 2017-10-09 15:49:59