SAC-BIO 2018 - ACM SAC BIOinformatics 2018
Topics/Call fo Papers
1. Advances in COMputational Biomedical Imaging COMBI
2. Bionformatics BIO
3. Business Process Management & Enterprise Architecture BPMEA
4. Cloud Computing CC
5. Cognitive Computing CoCo
6. Collective Adaptive Systems CAS
7. Computational Intelligence and Video & Image Analysis CIVIA
8. Computational Methods in Population Health CMPH
9. Computer Security SEC
10. Cooperative Systems COSYS
11. Cyber-Physical Systems CPS
12. Data Mining DM
13. Data Streams DS
14. Database Theory, Technology, and Applications DTTA
15. Dependable, Adaptive, and Secure Distributed Systems DADS
16. Embedded Systems ES
17. Information Access and Retrieval IAR
18. Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems IRMAS
19. Internet of Things IoT
20. Knowledge Extraction from Geographical Data KEGeoD
21. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning KRR
22. Middleware and Enterprise Application Software MEAS
23. Mobile Computing and Applications MCA
24. Networking NET
25. Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems OOPS
26. Operating Systems OS
27. Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming PAPP
28. Privacy by Design in Practice PDP
29. Programming Languages PL
30. Recommender Systems: Theory, User Interactions and Applications RS
31. Requirements Engineering RE
32. Selected Areas of Wireless Communications and Networking WCN
33. Semantic Web and Application SWA
34. Service-Oriented Architecture and Programming SOAP
35. Smart Human Computer Interaction HCI
36. Social Network and Media Analysis SONAMA
37. Software Architecture: Theory, Technology, and Applications SA-TTA
38. Software Engineering SE
39. Software Platforms SP
40. Software Verification and Testing SVT
41. Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems SiSoS
42. Usability Engineering UE
43. Variability and Software Product Line Engineering VSPLE
44. Web Technologies WT
1. Advances in COMputational Biomedical Imaging COMBI
2. Bionformatics BIO
3. Business Process Management & Enterprise Architecture BPMEA
4. Cloud Computing CC
5. Cognitive Computing CoCo
6. Collective Adaptive Systems CAS
7. Computational Intelligence and Video & Image Analysis CIVIA
8. Computational Methods in Population Health CMPH
9. Computer Security SEC
10. Cooperative Systems COSYS
11. Cyber-Physical Systems CPS
12. Data Mining DM
13. Data Streams DS
14. Database Theory, Technology, and Applications DTTA
15. Dependable, Adaptive, and Secure Distributed Systems DADS
16. Embedded Systems ES
17. Information Access and Retrieval IAR
18. Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems IRMAS
19. Internet of Things IoT
20. Knowledge Extraction from Geographical Data KEGeoD
21. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning KRR
22. Middleware and Enterprise Application Software MEAS
23. Mobile Computing and Applications MCA
24. Networking NET
25. Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems OOPS
26. Operating Systems OS
27. Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming PAPP
28. Privacy by Design in Practice PDP
29. Programming Languages PL
30. Recommender Systems: Theory, User Interactions and Applications RS
31. Requirements Engineering RE
32. Selected Areas of Wireless Communications and Networking WCN
33. Semantic Web and Application SWA
34. Service-Oriented Architecture and Programming SOAP
35. Smart Human Computer Interaction HCI
36. Social Network and Media Analysis SONAMA
37. Software Architecture: Theory, Technology, and Applications SA-TTA
38. Software Engineering SE
39. Software Platforms SP
40. Software Verification and Testing SVT
41. Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems SiSoS
42. Usability Engineering UE
43. Variability and Software Product Line Engineering VSPLE
44. Web Technologies WT
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-18)
- 2018 Education, Society & Reform Research
- 2018 International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing
- Special Issue on Towards Positioning, Navigation, and Location Based Services (PNLBS) for Internet of Things
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance
Last modified: 2017-07-30 11:47:22