WCB 2017 - Workshop on Computational Biology
Topics/Call fo Papers
In Computational Biology, there have been credible developments in many high-throughput technologies that enable data generation from many interesting biological systems. The gamut of novel algorithms in Machine Learning makes it very attractive to apply these methods to the challenging biological questions. It therefore only seems befitting to bring together researchers engaged in applying ML in Computational Biology to discuss recent advances in this interdisciplinary field and ongoing developments. We have invited several distinguished speakers from the Computational Biology community to discuss and present their current research.
We invite extended abstracts dealing with interesting applications of ML methods or bioinformatics approaches to biological and biomedical data arising from, but not limited to NGS technologies (ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, Hi-C etc), CyToF, single-cell sequencing, electronic health records, and imaging technologies. In terms of methods, supervised and unsupervised ML, deep learning, multi-task learning, kernel methods, probabilistic graphical models would all be appropriate for the workshop.
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions : June 5th 2017
Notification of acceptance : June 16th, 2017
Workshop date : Aug 10th or 11th, 2017
All novel Computational Biology approaches are of interest to the workshop. We welcome original extended abstracts that present recently published work as well as preliminary ideas. Extended abstracts should not exceed 4 pages in length (plus 1 optional page for references) and should be in pdf format (one column, font size 12). The submission need not be anonymized. If the abstract concerns previously published work, please cite the original paper in the workshop submission.
All accepted contributions shall be presented at the poster session. There will be Travel Awards for Contributed Talks and Awards for Best Poster Presentations.
Accepted abstracts will have the option of being published on the workshop website. For authors who do not wish their abstracts to be posted online or become citable, please mention this in the workshop submission.
Submissions should be made through the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wcb2017
Invited Speakers
Anshul Kundaje (https://profiles.stanford.edu/anshul-kundaje), Stanford University
Suchi Saria (http://www.suchisaria.com/), Johns Hopkins University
Cheng Soon Ong (http://www.ong-home.my/), Data61, Canberra
All participants must register for the ICML 2017 workshop (https://2017.icml.cc/Register2).
For workshop-related queries please contact:
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Organizing Committee:
Dana Pe'er (https://www.mskcc.org/research-areas/labs/dana-pe-...), MSKCC
Christina Leslie (https://www.mskcc.org/research-areas/labs/christin...), MSKCC
Barbara Engelhardt (https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bee/), Princeton University
Elham Azizi (http://elhamazizi.info/), MSKCC
Sandhya Prabhakaran (http://sandhyaprabhakaran.com/), MSKCC
Meghana Kshirsagar (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mkshirsa/), MSKCC
Ambrose Carr (http://ambrosejcarr.com/), MSKCC
(MSKCC: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NYC)
We invite extended abstracts dealing with interesting applications of ML methods or bioinformatics approaches to biological and biomedical data arising from, but not limited to NGS technologies (ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, Hi-C etc), CyToF, single-cell sequencing, electronic health records, and imaging technologies. In terms of methods, supervised and unsupervised ML, deep learning, multi-task learning, kernel methods, probabilistic graphical models would all be appropriate for the workshop.
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions : June 5th 2017
Notification of acceptance : June 16th, 2017
Workshop date : Aug 10th or 11th, 2017
All novel Computational Biology approaches are of interest to the workshop. We welcome original extended abstracts that present recently published work as well as preliminary ideas. Extended abstracts should not exceed 4 pages in length (plus 1 optional page for references) and should be in pdf format (one column, font size 12). The submission need not be anonymized. If the abstract concerns previously published work, please cite the original paper in the workshop submission.
All accepted contributions shall be presented at the poster session. There will be Travel Awards for Contributed Talks and Awards for Best Poster Presentations.
Accepted abstracts will have the option of being published on the workshop website. For authors who do not wish their abstracts to be posted online or become citable, please mention this in the workshop submission.
Submissions should be made through the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wcb2017
Invited Speakers
Anshul Kundaje (https://profiles.stanford.edu/anshul-kundaje), Stanford University
Suchi Saria (http://www.suchisaria.com/), Johns Hopkins University
Cheng Soon Ong (http://www.ong-home.my/), Data61, Canberra
All participants must register for the ICML 2017 workshop (https://2017.icml.cc/Register2).
For workshop-related queries please contact:
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Organizing Committee:
Dana Pe'er (https://www.mskcc.org/research-areas/labs/dana-pe-...), MSKCC
Christina Leslie (https://www.mskcc.org/research-areas/labs/christin...), MSKCC
Barbara Engelhardt (https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bee/), Princeton University
Elham Azizi (http://elhamazizi.info/), MSKCC
Sandhya Prabhakaran (http://sandhyaprabhakaran.com/), MSKCC
Meghana Kshirsagar (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mkshirsa/), MSKCC
Ambrose Carr (http://ambrosejcarr.com/), MSKCC
(MSKCC: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NYC)
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2017-06-04 20:47:29