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Claims Adjustment Reason Codes 2017 - Webinar on Claims Adjustment Reason Codes



VenueOnline Event, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsClaim Adjustment Reason Codes; Medicare Adjustment Codes; Health Insurance Denial Codes


Topics/Call fo Papers

Training Options
Duration: 60 Minutes
Tuesday, May 23, 2017 | 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Overview: Claim denials results in nonpayment, which in return results in a lack of cash flow. This impacts all healthcare providers, but may significantly impact smaller practices. Denials also affect practices, as additional resources and cost may be required to address denials. Even after much effort it may be too late to appeal a denial, resulting in a permanently denied claim. Attendees will learn how to better identify denials, understand CARC and RARC's and their impact on denials.
Why should you Attend: By attending this CARC and RARC session, you will learn how to identify denials, understand the codes which affect your denials and ultimately establish effective and efficient processes to manage monitor and prevent denials.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Identify and understand denials
Effectively manage denials
Monitoring of denials
Methods to prevent future denials
Addressing and appealing denials
Who Will Benefit:
Operational Professionals
Speaker Profile
Gail Madison Brown is a registered nurse and an attorney with over 25 years of experience in health care. For the last 15 years she has focused on health care compliance and revenue cycle management operations. Gail’s experience ranges from starting new compliance programs and making improvements to existing programs for physician practices to large health care organizations. Gail also has provided numerous lectures to healthcare providers, executives and professional colleagues.
Price: $139.00
Contact Info:
Netzealous -MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884

Last modified: 2017-03-30 14:18:06