AI 2012 - Cognition and AI: Comparing Human Capability and Experience with Today’s Computer Models
Topics/Call fo Papers
Cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence have provided valuable insights into the scope and limitations of understanding human thought and behavior. Advances in computer technology and tools are becoming more of a fixture in everyday life, and increasingly affecting how we think about artificial intelligence and cognition. The C&AI track is motivated by these two fronts of research: 1) We extend cognitive studies to include the social psychology of people’s everyday life with technology, comparing human cognition and experience with today’s computer models, and 2) On this basis we seek appropriate applications using computer technology, and seek to improve computer models of cognition and AI programs. This approach might yield many new ideas for creating technology and tools that amplify the ability of people to think and work together (e.g., new approaches for building robots in real-world domains), as well as new psychological and social theories. As such, this track will cover a wide range of issues relating empirical studies of people, cognitive modeling, and technology applications, considering in particular the role of ethnographic studies of what people actually do and experience. We welcome submissions in any area where cognition and computer technology are mutually explored, and especially encourage work in how people interact with computer tools that mediate communication and collaboration.
Other CFPs
- SPECIAL ISSUE on QUESTION GENERATION --- Call for Papers --- Dialogue & Discourse An International Journal
- シンポジウム「インタラクション」
- The second International Conference on Augmented Human (AH)
- 1st International Workshop on Petascale Data Analytics on Clouds: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities (PDAC-10)
- Call for papers for a special issue in the International Journal Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems
Last modified: 2012-01-27 16:49:54