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2016 - Webinar on Using HR Technologies Effectively and Efficiently



VenueOnline, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsEmployee Relations; HR compliance training; HR Technologies


Topics/Call fo Papers

This webinar will discuss in detail the specific considerations regarding the four major HR systems including every step in deciding what to buy. From needs assessment, demoing, pricing, and installing, it will cover what to look for and avoid, all the way to the potential pitfalls experienced in integrating your new tools in the real world workplace. It will also help attendees to make decisions on purchasing and effectively implementing HR technologies at their organizations.
Our speaker has seen the view from every side of the fence ? as a user, seller, buyer, installer, and administrator and knows what you should ask, seek, research and demand.
Areas Covered in the Session :
What to make the salesperson demo ? rather than just what they want to show you.
12 things not to do when purchasing that may seem like a good idea at the time.
10 considerations for pricing ? read them or weep.
Price negotiation considerations.
Security considerations.
Making the ROI case to upper level decision makers.
Installs ? Mayhem, Messes or Manageable? Making your install smooth ? project management tips.
The one thing you have to have from a vendor that without you’ll be miserable and hate your purchase. How to make sure you get that.
Tips for resistant managers.
Particular consideration with Performance Management systems ? just because you bought it, does not mean managers will get on board.
Applicant Tracking Systems ? How to buy and use them to make sure good candidates don’t fall through the cracks.
Compensation systems ? The great wonder of good data, all the time, but now comes the responsibility.
Onboarding systems ? What are their purposes? Are they worth it?
Who Will Benefit:
Plant Managers
Department Heads
HR Managers
Anyone who has to make decisions to purchase and then implement HR technologies.

Last modified: 2016-10-19 18:25:55