ADVANCE 2017 - 5th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services(ADVANCE'2017)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Authors are invited to submit full or short papers presenting new research related to the development of global Information and Communication Infrastructures. All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another conference or journal. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Enabling Technologies Track:
- Advanced Network Applications and Services
- Control and Monitoring Frameworks for Experimental Network Facilities
- Future Internet, 5G Network, M2M communications
- Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Internet of Drones
- Underwater Communication, Underwater Autonomous Vehicular
- SDN, OpenFlow, Opflex, Netconf, Lisp, Trill, OVSDB
- Cognitive Networks, Underwater Networks, Relay and Cooperative Networks
- Cloud Computing, Cloud Networking, Fog Networking, Edge Networking, NVF
- Cloud Federation, Interoperability, Convergence
- Middleware Technologies (Cloud, Grid, P2P, Social Networks)
- Workflow Management
- Information and Data Management, Big Data
- Privacy, Trust and Security Management
- Spectrum sharing, Access and Access sharing and Optical Systems
- Critical infrastructure Management platforms
- etc.
Usages and Societal Impacts Track:
- e-Health,
- e-Society and Digital Divide,
- e-Government,
- e-Business,
- e-Mobility,
- etc.
- Smart Grid,
- Smart-Home,
- Smart-Building,
- Smart-Cities,
- Smart-Road,
- Smart-Factory,
- etc.
- Green ICT
- ICT for green
- etc.
Enabling Technologies Track:
- Advanced Network Applications and Services
- Control and Monitoring Frameworks for Experimental Network Facilities
- Future Internet, 5G Network, M2M communications
- Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Internet of Drones
- Underwater Communication, Underwater Autonomous Vehicular
- SDN, OpenFlow, Opflex, Netconf, Lisp, Trill, OVSDB
- Cognitive Networks, Underwater Networks, Relay and Cooperative Networks
- Cloud Computing, Cloud Networking, Fog Networking, Edge Networking, NVF
- Cloud Federation, Interoperability, Convergence
- Middleware Technologies (Cloud, Grid, P2P, Social Networks)
- Workflow Management
- Information and Data Management, Big Data
- Privacy, Trust and Security Management
- Spectrum sharing, Access and Access sharing and Optical Systems
- Critical infrastructure Management platforms
- etc.
Usages and Societal Impacts Track:
- e-Health,
- e-Society and Digital Divide,
- e-Government,
- e-Business,
- e-Mobility,
- etc.
- Smart Grid,
- Smart-Home,
- Smart-Building,
- Smart-Cities,
- Smart-Road,
- Smart-Factory,
- etc.
- Green ICT
- ICT for green
- etc.
Other CFPs
- 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
- International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronic Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017)
- 9th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2016)
- 2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17)
- International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17)
Last modified: 2016-10-04 23:26:27