MOCAST 2017 - 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST)
Topics/Call fo Papers
6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST)
4 - 6 May, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
MOCAST is Technically Sponsored by IEEE. The conference proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
***Scopus Indexed***
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: 23 December 2016
Notification of papers acceptance: 21 February 2017
Publication ready final version due: 13 March 2017
Author Registration deadline: 13 March 2017
Conference: 4 - 6 May 2017
The 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST) aims to bring together leading academic and industrial scientists and researchers to exchange and share their knowledge and experiences about all aspects of Circuits and Systems. It also provides a forum for exchanging ideas, discussing research results, and presenting practical applications in the areas of modeling, design, simulation, synthesis and implementation of Circuits and Systems. It provides an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, engineers and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in these fields.
MOCAST takes place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Thessaloniki sits in north Greece in a city which never doubted its own cultural identity and its millennia of existence, it stands there since 315BC. Historically one of Europe’s oldest and most multiethnic cities, Thessaloniki is home to architectural marvels that testify to its centrality in Byzantine, Ottoman and Sephardic Jewish history. The city is anchored by Aristotelous Square, where curved, columned facades open to the waterfront in one direction and frame views of the historic Ano Poli (Upper City) in the other. Though it has only about one million people, compared with Athens’ five million, Salonika is widely considered the cultural capital of Greece. Thessaloniki is truly unique in the sense that it intricately marries its thousands-year-old multicultural heritage with cutting-edge art performances and cinematic avant-garde.
Topics of Interest
Analog/RF and Mixed Signal Circuits
OpAmps, filters; Nonlinear circuits; Voltage and current references; HV circuits; Nonlinear analog circuits; Digitally assisted analog circuits. RF/IF building blocks like LNAs, mixers, power amplifiers, IF amplifiers; Power detectors; Subsystems for RF, mm-wave and THz design with focus on novel design techniques, Modulators/demodulators; VCOs; PLLs; DLLs; Frequency synthesizers; Frequency dividers; Integrated passive components, A/D and D/A converters.
Digital Circuits
Techniques for energy efficient and high performance digital circuits; VLSI circuits and Systems; I/O and inter-chip communication; Reconfigurable digital circuit; Security and encryption circuits; Clocking; Arithmetic building blocks; Memories; Microprocessors; DSPs; Memory interfacing; Bus interfacing; Many core and multirate ICs; 3D integration, embedded design, FPGAs, Circuit modeling, Device modeling, Memristive circuits, Unconventional computing, Approximate computing, Nonlinear and chaotic circuits.
Systems and Applications
VLSI Systems, System on Chip (SoC), CAD tools, Embedded systems, System architectures, System modeling, Image processing and Multimedia systems, Control systems, Mechatronics and Robotics, Neural networks and Fuzzy systems, Nonlinear and Chaotic systems, Bioengineering systems.
Communication systems
Wireless communication systems, Microwave and wireless technologies, Antennas, Propagation, indoor/outdoor links, Scattering and measurements, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), MICs/MMICs, Optical communications, Remote sensing applications, Bioeffects, RF exposures, and Medical Application, Receivers/transmitters/transceivers for wireless/wireline systems, Radar systems, RF channel modeling and analysis, RFID and sensor networks, Optimization Methods in EM Designs, Wake-up radio design and testing: Ultra low-power radio transceivers, Energy-consumption models for radio devices, Energy harvesting mechanisms for radio devices, Hardware and transmission protocol co-design for energy efficient-wireless communications, Co-design for energy-efficient data compression/transmission techniques for real-word sensor data.
Network Systems
Wireless and mobile networks, Mesh, ad hoc, and sensor networks, Vehicular ad hoc networks and intelligent transportation systems, Mobile applications, system software and algorithms - Technologies for Future Internet, Network protocols and architectures, Network management, Autonomous and self-organized networks, Machine-to-machine networking, Cloud computing and networking, Software-defined networking and network function virtualization, Content distribution networks, Mobile Internet applications, Security, trust, and privacy challenges User-centric networking, Social networking, crowdsourcing, cloud services, E-services and smart cities, Green networking, Energy efficient MAC and transmission protocols for ultra low-power radios.
Power Management.
Energy transducers; Power regulators; DC-DC converters; Energy-scavenging circuits; LDOs Boost-buck-converters; LED drivers; Sequencers and supervisors; Green electronics.
Imagers, MEMS, Medical & Displays.
Sensor subsystems and interfaces; Accelerometers; Temperature sensing; Imaging and smart imaging chips; AMOLED; MEMs subsystems; RF MEMs; Implantable electronic ICs; Bio-medical imagers; Bio-MEMs integratedsystems; Lab-on-chip; Organic LED and liquid-crystal-display interface circuits; Flat panel and projection displays.
Radiation Front Ends (Nuclear and Space Application).
Data Acquisition and Analysis Circuits and Systems , Trigger and Front-End Systems, Detectors Architecture and Instrumentation, Radiation/ Semiconductor Detectors: Tracking, Imaging, and Spectroscopy, Measurements and Monitoring Techniques, Radiation Hardness, Radiation Damage Effects on Electronic Systems.
Education in Circuits, Systems and Communications.
4 - 6 May, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
MOCAST is Technically Sponsored by IEEE. The conference proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
***Scopus Indexed***
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: 23 December 2016
Notification of papers acceptance: 21 February 2017
Publication ready final version due: 13 March 2017
Author Registration deadline: 13 March 2017
Conference: 4 - 6 May 2017
The 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST) aims to bring together leading academic and industrial scientists and researchers to exchange and share their knowledge and experiences about all aspects of Circuits and Systems. It also provides a forum for exchanging ideas, discussing research results, and presenting practical applications in the areas of modeling, design, simulation, synthesis and implementation of Circuits and Systems. It provides an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, engineers and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in these fields.
MOCAST takes place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Thessaloniki sits in north Greece in a city which never doubted its own cultural identity and its millennia of existence, it stands there since 315BC. Historically one of Europe’s oldest and most multiethnic cities, Thessaloniki is home to architectural marvels that testify to its centrality in Byzantine, Ottoman and Sephardic Jewish history. The city is anchored by Aristotelous Square, where curved, columned facades open to the waterfront in one direction and frame views of the historic Ano Poli (Upper City) in the other. Though it has only about one million people, compared with Athens’ five million, Salonika is widely considered the cultural capital of Greece. Thessaloniki is truly unique in the sense that it intricately marries its thousands-year-old multicultural heritage with cutting-edge art performances and cinematic avant-garde.
Topics of Interest
Analog/RF and Mixed Signal Circuits
OpAmps, filters; Nonlinear circuits; Voltage and current references; HV circuits; Nonlinear analog circuits; Digitally assisted analog circuits. RF/IF building blocks like LNAs, mixers, power amplifiers, IF amplifiers; Power detectors; Subsystems for RF, mm-wave and THz design with focus on novel design techniques, Modulators/demodulators; VCOs; PLLs; DLLs; Frequency synthesizers; Frequency dividers; Integrated passive components, A/D and D/A converters.
Digital Circuits
Techniques for energy efficient and high performance digital circuits; VLSI circuits and Systems; I/O and inter-chip communication; Reconfigurable digital circuit; Security and encryption circuits; Clocking; Arithmetic building blocks; Memories; Microprocessors; DSPs; Memory interfacing; Bus interfacing; Many core and multirate ICs; 3D integration, embedded design, FPGAs, Circuit modeling, Device modeling, Memristive circuits, Unconventional computing, Approximate computing, Nonlinear and chaotic circuits.
Systems and Applications
VLSI Systems, System on Chip (SoC), CAD tools, Embedded systems, System architectures, System modeling, Image processing and Multimedia systems, Control systems, Mechatronics and Robotics, Neural networks and Fuzzy systems, Nonlinear and Chaotic systems, Bioengineering systems.
Communication systems
Wireless communication systems, Microwave and wireless technologies, Antennas, Propagation, indoor/outdoor links, Scattering and measurements, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), MICs/MMICs, Optical communications, Remote sensing applications, Bioeffects, RF exposures, and Medical Application, Receivers/transmitters/transceivers for wireless/wireline systems, Radar systems, RF channel modeling and analysis, RFID and sensor networks, Optimization Methods in EM Designs, Wake-up radio design and testing: Ultra low-power radio transceivers, Energy-consumption models for radio devices, Energy harvesting mechanisms for radio devices, Hardware and transmission protocol co-design for energy efficient-wireless communications, Co-design for energy-efficient data compression/transmission techniques for real-word sensor data.
Network Systems
Wireless and mobile networks, Mesh, ad hoc, and sensor networks, Vehicular ad hoc networks and intelligent transportation systems, Mobile applications, system software and algorithms - Technologies for Future Internet, Network protocols and architectures, Network management, Autonomous and self-organized networks, Machine-to-machine networking, Cloud computing and networking, Software-defined networking and network function virtualization, Content distribution networks, Mobile Internet applications, Security, trust, and privacy challenges User-centric networking, Social networking, crowdsourcing, cloud services, E-services and smart cities, Green networking, Energy efficient MAC and transmission protocols for ultra low-power radios.
Power Management.
Energy transducers; Power regulators; DC-DC converters; Energy-scavenging circuits; LDOs Boost-buck-converters; LED drivers; Sequencers and supervisors; Green electronics.
Imagers, MEMS, Medical & Displays.
Sensor subsystems and interfaces; Accelerometers; Temperature sensing; Imaging and smart imaging chips; AMOLED; MEMs subsystems; RF MEMs; Implantable electronic ICs; Bio-medical imagers; Bio-MEMs integratedsystems; Lab-on-chip; Organic LED and liquid-crystal-display interface circuits; Flat panel and projection displays.
Radiation Front Ends (Nuclear and Space Application).
Data Acquisition and Analysis Circuits and Systems , Trigger and Front-End Systems, Detectors Architecture and Instrumentation, Radiation/ Semiconductor Detectors: Tracking, Imaging, and Spectroscopy, Measurements and Monitoring Techniques, Radiation Hardness, Radiation Damage Effects on Electronic Systems.
Education in Circuits, Systems and Communications.
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2016-09-20 23:05:28