MBCD 2016 - Summer school on Mining Big and Complex Data (MBCD)
Date2016-09-04 - 2016-09-08
VenueOhrid, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
Topics/Call fo Papers
Summer school on Mining Big and Complex Data (MBCD)
September 4-8, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia
You are cordially invited to apply for participation at the summer school on Mining Big and Complex Data (MBCD) organized by the partners of the MAESTRA EU project (http://maestra-project.eu/). The school will cover topics related to methods for MBCD, including the prediction of structured outputs (e.g., multi-label classification, multi-target regression, ...), semi-supervised learning, mining network data and mining data streams. It will also cover topics related to the applications of MBCD methods in different domains, e.g., in image annotation/retrieval, environmental and life sciences.
The lectures will be given by world-leading researchers and experts in machine learning and data mining, as well as experts from the application domains. The program will include talks on the following topics:
- Semi-supervised learning for structured data
- Kernel-based methods for structured data
- Bayesian networks for multi-dimensional classification
- Multi-label learning from batch and streaming data
- Decomposition of the output space in structured output prediction
- Architectures for distributed mining of big data
- Mining data streams with structured outputs
- Mining network data, network reconstruction and complex networks analysis
- Analysis of streaming networks
- Tensor data analysis
- Spatio-temporal data mining
- Redescription mining
- Deep learning for image retrieval and image classification
- Integrating deep learning with kernel methods
- Controlling false discovery rates in multiple testing and selective inference
- Predicting gene function on a massve scale
- Predicting microbial phenotypes from genetic features
- Analysis of metagenomics data
- Medical data mining
- Mining data on patients with neurodegenerative diseases
The program is crafted towards master and PhD-level students, as well as professionals wishing to learn about cutting edge technologies for mining big and complex data.
The school will take place in the beautiful town of Ohrid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohrid), Macedonia (http://macedonia-timeless.com/) in September (working days 4-8 September 2016, preferred arrival on September 3 & departure on September 9). Ohrid is one of only 28 sites in the world that are on UNESCO's World Heritage list as both Cultural and Natural sites (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/99). The Congress center (http://www.ukim.edu.mk/kc/index_eng.html), where the school will take place, is situated next to the Lake of Ohrid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Ohrid).
The MAESTRA Summer School is not a commercial event and payment of a registration fee is not required from the attendees. Instead, the major organization costs are covered by the FP7 EU project MAESTRA. The registration for the event covers admission to all sessions, school materials, coffee breaks, the school dinner, and the networking session at the St. Naum complex. The registration does not cover accommodation and meals (except the school dinner). The school venue offers lodging and meals at very affordable rates (i.e., full-board service for 35 EUR).
The venue provides limited seating, hence, the school will be open for 50 participants. The participants will be mainly selected by following the “first-come, first-served” principle. To secure a seat, please apply early.
To register for the school, please visit the web site: http://maestra-project.eu/school/.
September 4-8, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia
You are cordially invited to apply for participation at the summer school on Mining Big and Complex Data (MBCD) organized by the partners of the MAESTRA EU project (http://maestra-project.eu/). The school will cover topics related to methods for MBCD, including the prediction of structured outputs (e.g., multi-label classification, multi-target regression, ...), semi-supervised learning, mining network data and mining data streams. It will also cover topics related to the applications of MBCD methods in different domains, e.g., in image annotation/retrieval, environmental and life sciences.
The lectures will be given by world-leading researchers and experts in machine learning and data mining, as well as experts from the application domains. The program will include talks on the following topics:
- Semi-supervised learning for structured data
- Kernel-based methods for structured data
- Bayesian networks for multi-dimensional classification
- Multi-label learning from batch and streaming data
- Decomposition of the output space in structured output prediction
- Architectures for distributed mining of big data
- Mining data streams with structured outputs
- Mining network data, network reconstruction and complex networks analysis
- Analysis of streaming networks
- Tensor data analysis
- Spatio-temporal data mining
- Redescription mining
- Deep learning for image retrieval and image classification
- Integrating deep learning with kernel methods
- Controlling false discovery rates in multiple testing and selective inference
- Predicting gene function on a massve scale
- Predicting microbial phenotypes from genetic features
- Analysis of metagenomics data
- Medical data mining
- Mining data on patients with neurodegenerative diseases
The program is crafted towards master and PhD-level students, as well as professionals wishing to learn about cutting edge technologies for mining big and complex data.
The school will take place in the beautiful town of Ohrid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohrid), Macedonia (http://macedonia-timeless.com/) in September (working days 4-8 September 2016, preferred arrival on September 3 & departure on September 9). Ohrid is one of only 28 sites in the world that are on UNESCO's World Heritage list as both Cultural and Natural sites (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/99). The Congress center (http://www.ukim.edu.mk/kc/index_eng.html), where the school will take place, is situated next to the Lake of Ohrid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Ohrid).
The MAESTRA Summer School is not a commercial event and payment of a registration fee is not required from the attendees. Instead, the major organization costs are covered by the FP7 EU project MAESTRA. The registration for the event covers admission to all sessions, school materials, coffee breaks, the school dinner, and the networking session at the St. Naum complex. The registration does not cover accommodation and meals (except the school dinner). The school venue offers lodging and meals at very affordable rates (i.e., full-board service for 35 EUR).
The venue provides limited seating, hence, the school will be open for 50 participants. The participants will be mainly selected by following the “first-come, first-served” principle. To secure a seat, please apply early.
To register for the school, please visit the web site: http://maestra-project.eu/school/.
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Last modified: 2016-07-27 22:51:29