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CPAI 2016 - 2016 Workshop on Constraint Programming and Artificial Intelligence



VenueToulouse, France France



Topics/Call fo Papers

Rom their early days, Constraint Programming has played an important role in Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence has played an important role in Constraint Programming. Artificial Intelligence is currently experiencing a great surge of interest, attention and funding. This workshop is intended to encourage efforts to increase the participation and visibility at this time of Constraint Programming in the wider AI community, to the mutual benefit of both. In particular, the Workshop will seek to formulate specific recommendations as to actions that members of the community might undertake, individually, or collectively through the ACP, to further identified objectives. As a start, it is hoped that participants at the Workshop will volunteer to take on specific roles that are deemed useful for achieving these objectives.
Call for Contributions
One page abstracts (plus references) are solicited that:
Describe prior, current, or proposed work combining constraint reasoning with other forms of AI,
Survey work that has combined CP with a specific aspect, topic or field of AI,
Identify relationships between constraint reasoning and other aspects of AI,
Discuss the role CP can play within AI, in particular how CP can help AI, and vice versa,
Propose new research programs or grand challenges that engage CP with the broader AI community.
One page position papers are solicited that provide some initial, “pump-priming” thoughts on the following brainstorming session topics, or other topics you propose:
Encouraging the use of CP in AI and vice versa,
Increasing the visibility of CP within AI,
Engaging with "hot topics" such as deep learning and ethical/beneficial AI,
Interesting industry in the AI implications of CP,
Forming collaborative networks or "virtual laboratories" to address grand challenges that engage with AI and capture the popular imagination.
Submissions should be in PDF format. They should be submitted through EasyChair, on or before July 19, 2016 (GMT). The title of each submission should be prefaced by either “Abstract: ” or “Position Paper: ”. Authors may submit multiple abstracts and position papers if they wish.
All submissions that appropriately address the Call for Contributions will be accepted as is, without further revision, and will be made available at the workshop website. Notification of acceptance will be made on or before July 26, 2016 (GMT). At least one author of every accepted submission must attend the workshop and pay the workshop fee, else the submission will be withdrawn.

Last modified: 2016-06-05 21:49:03