CPS-SPC 2016 - Second ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & PrivaCy (CPS-SPC 2016)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and control of entities in the physical world. These systems are usually composed of a set of networked agents, including sensors, actuators, control processing units, and communication devices. While some forms of CPS are already in use, the widespread growth of wireless embedded sensors and actuators is creating several new applications in areas such as medical devices, autonomous vehicles, and smart infrastructure, and is increasing the role that the information infrastructure plays in existing control systems such as in the process control industry or the power grid. Many CPS applications are safety-critical: their failure can cause irreparable harm to the physical system under control, and to the people who depend, use or operate it. In particular, critical cyber-physical infrastructures such as the electric power generation, transmission and distribution grids, oil and natural gas systems, water and waste-water treatment plants, and transportation networks play a fundamental and large-scale role in our society and their disruption can have a significant impact to individuals, and nations at large. Securing these CPS infrastructures is therefore vitally important. Similarly because many CPS systems collect sensor data non-intrusively, users of these systems are often unaware of their exposure. Therefore in addition to security, CPS systems must be designed with privacy considerations.
Other CFPs
- Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW 2016)
- Workshop of Artificial Intelligence and Security (Alsec 2016)
- The Theory of Implementation Security Workshop (TIs 2016)
- Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense (SafeConfig 2016)
- Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2016)
Last modified: 2016-06-04 12:25:49