2016 - 2016 the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2016)
Date2016-08-20 - 2016-08-21
VenueJeju Island,South Korea, South Korea
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Topics/Call fo Papers
2016 the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2016)
Session Description
22016 the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2016) is being organized and will be held in Jeju Island during August 20-21st, 2016.
TThe aim of 4th ICAMDM2016 is to gather professors, researchers and scholars all over the world. ICAMDM2016 will provide leading academy and industry scientists a platform to communicate recent advances in Advance Materials Design and Mechanics and an opportunity to establish multilateral collaborations.
●Venue: Jeju Island,South Korea
●Conferences Date: August 20-21th, 2016
●Meeting web: http://www.icamdm.org/
The paper publication
All accepted and registered papers will be published in conference proceeding in the international journal "Materials Science Forum" [ISSN print 0255-5476 ISSN cd 1662-9760 ISSN web 1662-9752, Trans Tech Publications]. And the press will submit all papers to major databases such as EI Compendex, Scopus and Scholar...
Conference Theme
T1: Advanced Materials Design
T2: Materials Engineering Research
T3: Manufacturing Technology and Processing
T4: Advanced Materials and Applications
Important Dates
Paper Submission (Full Paper): July 12, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: July 19, 2016
Authors’ Registration & Payment Deadline:July 26, 2016
Conference Date: August 20-21th, 2016
Paper Submission
1、Email: cfp-AT-icamdm.org
2、Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icamdm2016
Note: Please select a way to contribute, please do not repeat.
Contact Us
Email: cfp-AT-icamdm.org
Tel: 024-83958379-809 Ms.Wang
Session Description
22016 the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2016) is being organized and will be held in Jeju Island during August 20-21st, 2016.
TThe aim of 4th ICAMDM2016 is to gather professors, researchers and scholars all over the world. ICAMDM2016 will provide leading academy and industry scientists a platform to communicate recent advances in Advance Materials Design and Mechanics and an opportunity to establish multilateral collaborations.
●Venue: Jeju Island,South Korea
●Conferences Date: August 20-21th, 2016
●Meeting web: http://www.icamdm.org/
The paper publication
All accepted and registered papers will be published in conference proceeding in the international journal "Materials Science Forum" [ISSN print 0255-5476 ISSN cd 1662-9760 ISSN web 1662-9752, Trans Tech Publications]. And the press will submit all papers to major databases such as EI Compendex, Scopus and Scholar...
Conference Theme
T1: Advanced Materials Design
T2: Materials Engineering Research
T3: Manufacturing Technology and Processing
T4: Advanced Materials and Applications
Important Dates
Paper Submission (Full Paper): July 12, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: July 19, 2016
Authors’ Registration & Payment Deadline:July 26, 2016
Conference Date: August 20-21th, 2016
Paper Submission
1、Email: cfp-AT-icamdm.org
2、Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icamdm2016
Note: Please select a way to contribute, please do not repeat.
Contact Us
Email: cfp-AT-icamdm.org
Tel: 024-83958379-809 Ms.Wang
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Last modified: 2016-06-12 12:55:06