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STEM 2011 - Inaugural International Conference at Queensland University of Technology



VenueQueensland, Australia Australia



Topics/Call fo Papers

Inaugural International Conference
at Queensland University of Technology
on 26th and 27th November 2010
The importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Education has been emphasised in numerous government policies both in Australia and overseas. The First International Conference of STEM in Education creates an opportunity for educators and researchers from schools, universities, businesses, industries and other private and public agencies to share and discuss innovative practices and research initiatives geared towards the advancement of STEM education.
Keynote speakers include: Professor Sir John Holman (Science), Professor Jeremy Roschelle (Technology), Professor Frank Bullen (Engineering), and Distinguished Professor Richard Lesh (Mathematics).
Venue: Queensland University of Technology, Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059, Australia
STEM 2010 Committee:
Dr Vinesh Chandra, Dr Peter Hudson and Professor Kar‐Tin Lee
School of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,
Faulty of Education, Queensland University of Technology
Information for Authors:
You are invited to submit a conference presentation:
Key Dates:
Call for papers opens
8 March
Deadline for abstracts submission
19 July
Notification of acceptance
19 August
Deadline for early bird registrations
31 August
Deadline for all registrations & full paper submission
10 October
STEM in Education Conference
26‐27 November
Sabrina Menezes
Telephone: +61 7 3138 3321

Last modified: 2010-08-02 17:57:34