CIVI 2011 - CIVI 2011 2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence
Topics/Call fo Papers
CIVI 2011
2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence
The IEEE Workshop on CIVI gathers researchers in the area of Computational Intelligence with the specific interests in space representation, mental imagery,spatial reasoning,vision-driven navigation, map building, shape and object representation and recognition, virtual reality, etc...
The term, Visual Intelligence, was borrowed from the Psychology circles, and it refers to one of the seven types of Human Intelligence: Logical, Musical, Linguistic... and Visual (or Visual-Spatial) Intelligence. In a broad sense, Visual Intelligence refers to the ability to represent the outer world (spatial world) internally in the computer systems. In that sense, the focus of the IEEE CIVI is not only on how robots and other computer systems observe and acquire the environment (namely, by using computer vision) but also on how they internally represent, handle and depict that space.
space representation,
mental imagery,
spatial reasoning,
vision-guided navigation,
map building,
shape and object representation and recognition,
image understanding,
virtual reality, etc.
Symposium Co-Chairs
Guilherme N DeSouza, University of Missouri, USA
Yuanquiang (Evan) Dong, University of Missouri, USA
Program Committee (tentative)
Juan Andrade Cetto, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Thomas Bräunl, University of Western Australia, Australia
Curt Davis, University of Missouri, USA
Tyler Folsom, University of British Columbia, Canada
Adel Hafiane, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges, France
Tony Han, University of Missouri, USA
Avinash Kak, Purdue University, USA
James Keller, University of Missouri, USA
Vincent Lepetit, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Aleix Martinez, Ohio State Universit, USA
Pradit Mittrapiyanuruk, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
Yuichi Motai, University of Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Yoshi Nakamura, University of Tokyo, Japan
Johnny Park, Purdue University, USA
Marjorie Skubic, University of Missouri, USA
Hamid Tizhoosh, University of Waterloo, Canada
Tinne Tuytelaars, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Patrick G. Xavier, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence
The IEEE Workshop on CIVI gathers researchers in the area of Computational Intelligence with the specific interests in space representation, mental imagery,spatial reasoning,vision-driven navigation, map building, shape and object representation and recognition, virtual reality, etc...
The term, Visual Intelligence, was borrowed from the Psychology circles, and it refers to one of the seven types of Human Intelligence: Logical, Musical, Linguistic... and Visual (or Visual-Spatial) Intelligence. In a broad sense, Visual Intelligence refers to the ability to represent the outer world (spatial world) internally in the computer systems. In that sense, the focus of the IEEE CIVI is not only on how robots and other computer systems observe and acquire the environment (namely, by using computer vision) but also on how they internally represent, handle and depict that space.
space representation,
mental imagery,
spatial reasoning,
vision-guided navigation,
map building,
shape and object representation and recognition,
image understanding,
virtual reality, etc.
Symposium Co-Chairs
Guilherme N DeSouza, University of Missouri, USA
Yuanquiang (Evan) Dong, University of Missouri, USA
Program Committee (tentative)
Juan Andrade Cetto, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Thomas Bräunl, University of Western Australia, Australia
Curt Davis, University of Missouri, USA
Tyler Folsom, University of British Columbia, Canada
Adel Hafiane, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges, France
Tony Han, University of Missouri, USA
Avinash Kak, Purdue University, USA
James Keller, University of Missouri, USA
Vincent Lepetit, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Aleix Martinez, Ohio State Universit, USA
Pradit Mittrapiyanuruk, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
Yuichi Motai, University of Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Yoshi Nakamura, University of Tokyo, Japan
Johnny Park, Purdue University, USA
Marjorie Skubic, University of Missouri, USA
Hamid Tizhoosh, University of Waterloo, Canada
Tinne Tuytelaars, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Patrick G. Xavier, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Other CFPs
- CISDA 2011 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications
- CISched 2011 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling
- CIMSIVP 2011 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia, Signal and Vision Processing
- CIMR 2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Mobile Robots: Air-Land-, and Sea-Based
- CII 2011 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industry
Last modified: 2010-08-02 13:32:35