ACTICS 2016 - 5-th International Workshop on Advanced Communication Technologies and their Applications to Intelligent transportation systems, Cognitive radios and Sensor networks (ACTICS-2016)
- 12th International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (icWCSN 2025)
- The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Sensing and Intelligent Systems (ICASIS 2025)
- 10th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering(ICITE 2025)
- 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation and Smart Cities
- 11th International Conference on Networks, Mobile Communication (NMCO 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Advances in Communication Technologies and their applications to vehicular communications for intelligent transportation systems, cognitive radio network for dynamic and efficient spectrum sharing, and sensor networks for sensing and monitoring applications have generated interest from both industry and academia.
ACTICS'2016 will bring researchers and experts together to present and discuss the latest developments and technical solutions concerning various aspects of advances in communication technologies. ACTICS'2016 seeks original unpublished (both review/survey and technical) papers focusing on theoretical analysis, emerging applications, novel system architecture construction and design, experimental studies, and social impacts of communications technologies.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
Network architectures and protocols
Mobility management and topology control
Performance modeling and analysis
Medium access control and routing protocols
Information aggregation and dissemination
Cognitive radio enhanced vehicular communications,
Security, trust and privacy issues
Applications, case studies, and real-world test beds
Power aware and energy efficient design
Remote sensing and monitoring (health care, space structure, environments, hazards etc.)
Complexity analysis, self-organization/configuration, distributed co-ordination etc.
Application of software defined radio in advanced communication systems
Cross-layer designs and architectures
Self-organizing networks and autonomic communications
Ultra-wideband technologies
Beam-forming and MIMO for interference avoidance in the CR context
Biological-inspired networking
Adaptive wireless communication systems
Spectrum sensing techniques, spectrum efficiency and soft spectrum usage
Parameter estimation for adaptation of wireless communication systems
Network economics and game theory
Interference mitigation and awareness
Spectrum-management regulation and policy making
Standardizations such as IEEE 802.22, 802.19, 802.11n, 802.11p, etc
Sensor Networks, MANET, VANET and routing protocols
ACTICS'2016 will bring researchers and experts together to present and discuss the latest developments and technical solutions concerning various aspects of advances in communication technologies. ACTICS'2016 seeks original unpublished (both review/survey and technical) papers focusing on theoretical analysis, emerging applications, novel system architecture construction and design, experimental studies, and social impacts of communications technologies.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
Network architectures and protocols
Mobility management and topology control
Performance modeling and analysis
Medium access control and routing protocols
Information aggregation and dissemination
Cognitive radio enhanced vehicular communications,
Security, trust and privacy issues
Applications, case studies, and real-world test beds
Power aware and energy efficient design
Remote sensing and monitoring (health care, space structure, environments, hazards etc.)
Complexity analysis, self-organization/configuration, distributed co-ordination etc.
Application of software defined radio in advanced communication systems
Cross-layer designs and architectures
Self-organizing networks and autonomic communications
Ultra-wideband technologies
Beam-forming and MIMO for interference avoidance in the CR context
Biological-inspired networking
Adaptive wireless communication systems
Spectrum sensing techniques, spectrum efficiency and soft spectrum usage
Parameter estimation for adaptation of wireless communication systems
Network economics and game theory
Interference mitigation and awareness
Spectrum-management regulation and policy making
Standardizations such as IEEE 802.22, 802.19, 802.11n, 802.11p, etc
Sensor Networks, MANET, VANET and routing protocols
Other CFPs
- 5-th International Workshop on Sustainability Management of e-Business and Ubiquitous Commerce Engineering (SMEUCE-2016)
- 5-th International Workshop on Frontiers in Innovative Mobile and Internet Services (FIMIS-2016)
- 6-th International Workshop on Intelligent Techniques and Algorithms for Ubiquitous Computing (ITAUC-2016)
- 10-th International Workshop on Advances in Information Security (WAIS-2016)
- 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference
Last modified: 2016-01-26 00:07:14