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2011 - Special session/Workshop on Security Protection Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks



VenueChennai, India India



Topics/Call fo Papers

Deadline Extended to 1st November 2010
Call for Papers

Special session/Workshop


Security Protection Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks

In conjunction with

Second International Conference on Wireless VITAE 2011

February 28 ? March 3, 2011, Le Royal Méridien Chennai, India

:: Scope
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an emerging research field with several interesting application domains ranging from battlefield monitoring to environmental observation. The primary domains for WSN application are: military, ecological, medical, and other miscellaneous applications like car theft detection, inventory control, habitat monitoring, home applications etc. In these application domains of WSN, secure communication is one of the biggest challenges. While the attack systems have become more easy-to-use, sophisticated, and powerful, interest has greatly increased in the field of building more effective, intelligent, adaptive, active and high performance defense systems which are distributed and networked.

The objective of the workshop/special session will be to deal with the issues related to Security Protection, such as authentication, access control, availability, integrity, privacy, confidentiality, dependability and sustainability of wireless sensor networks. This workshop/special session will provide a forum for exchange of ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences among researchers and professionals from industry and academia. Papers describing original research on both theoretical and practical aspects of security in sensor networks are solicited.

:: Topics of Interest (but NOT limited to)
Naming and addressing vulnerabilities
Key management in wireless sensor networks
Secure neighbor discovery / Secure localization
Secure PHY and MAC protocols
Trust establishment
Intrusion detection, detection of malicious behavior
Denial of service
User privacy, location privacy
Identity theft and phishing in sensor networks
Vulnerability and attack modeling
Jamming/Anti-jamming communication
Cryptographic primitives for wireless communication

:: Submission Guidelines

Papers should contain original material which have not been previously published or currently not submitted for consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts must be limited to 5 pages in IEEE Manuscript Templates for conference proceedings and formatted in accordance with the IEEE author guidelines. You can also download the template at The paper should be submitted as a PDF file. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the workshop to present the paper. Papers should be submitted to the following email ids-

Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore

:: Important Dates

Submission deadline: 1st November, 2010.
Notification of acceptance: 30th November, 2010.
Camera ready submission: December 10, 2010
Conference: February 28 ? March 3, 2011

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee and Organizers of Wireless Vitae 2011

Sipra Das Bit, TPC Member
Amrita Ghosal, Invited Organizer

Last modified: 2010-09-28 20:03:55