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CoNEXT 2016 - 2016 Conference on Emerging Network Experiment and Technology

Date2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16


VenueIrvine, California, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

Submission to CoNEXT is open and encouraged across a wide-ranging set of topics, including internet measurements and modelling, advanced protocols and services, networked games, multimedia services, routing, security traffic engineering, peer-to-peer and overlay networks, wireless and mobile networks, ad-hoc and sensors networks or autonomic and dependable communications are frequently found in its calls for papers. Attendance is usually around 150 participants, stimulating an atmosphere for constructive technical discussions. In previous years, CoNEXT has received over 200 submissions and selected around one in five of these for presentation at the Conference.

Last modified: 2016-01-09 13:07:36