ISPRA 2012 - 11th WSEAS International Conference on SIGNAL PROCESSING, ROBOTICS and AUTOMATION (ispra '12)
VenueCambridge, UK - United Kingdom
- 11th International Conference on Signal Processing (SP 2025)
- 11th International Conference on Signal Processing (SP 2025)
- 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
- 12th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (Signal 2025)
- 12th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (Signal 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
a) Signal Processing:
Filter design and structures
Fast algorithms
Adaptive filters
Nonlinear Signals and Systems
Multirate filtering and filter banks
Signal reconstruction
Time-frequency analysis
Spectral estimation
Higher order spectrum analysis
Parameter estimation
Array signal processing
Statistical signal analysis
Signal and system modeling
Cyclostationary signal analysis
Speech production and perception
Speech analysis
Speech synthesis
Speech coding
Speech recognition
Speech enhancement and noise reduction
Active noise control
Active noise reduction
Echo cancellation
Broadband audio coding
Signal processing for music
Binaural systems
Room acoustics
Digital transforms
Multidimensional systems
Machine vision
Image coding
Image motion / sequence / video
Computed imaging
Geophysical and seismic processing
Image analysis and segmentation
Image filtering, restoration and enhancement
Image representation and modeling
Pattern recognition
Neural networks
Fuzzy Systems
Evolutionary computation
Expert systems
Multisensor Data Fusion
Architectures and VLSI hardware
Programmable signal processors
Algorithms and applications mappings
Design methology and CAD tools
Languages and real time software
Real time system estimation
Optimization problems in signal processing
Biomedical processing
Geophysical signal processing
Underwater signal processing
Remote sensing
Satellite signals processing
Measure and Instrumentation
b) Robotics:
Modelling, analysis and simulation
Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of robots
Robotics materials
Robotics languages
Human-Robot Interfaces
Motion and path planning
Manipulation and Grasping
Legged and Whiled Robots
Discrete Event Dynamics Systems
Petri Nets
Distributed Robotics Systems
Cellular and Biologically Inspired Robots
Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion
Personal and Service Robots
Space and underwater Robots
Network Robotics
Nanotechnologies in Robotics
Communication problems in robotics
Electronics for robotics systems
Complex architectures
Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and Evolutionary Computation in Robots
Robot Vision
Man-machine systems
Artificial life
Remote sensing
Industrial Applications
c) Automation:
Circuits and Electronics for Control
Electrical and Electronic Measurement
Large Scale Systems
Hierarchical Control
Hybrid Systems
Digital Control
Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control
Neural Networks and Neural Control
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Control
Intelligent Control
Non-linear Systems and Non-Linear Automatic Control
Sliding Mode Control
Differential Geometry methods in non-linear control
Adaptive Control
Robust Control
Optimal Control
Stochastic Control
Satellite Systems Control
Industrial Control
CAD/CAM systems
Manufacturing Systems Control
Man-Machine Interaction
Chemical processes control
Multivariable Control
Multirate Control
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Decentralized Control
Real-time Control
Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics
Optimization Problems in Control Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Failure of Systems
Fault Tolerance
Machine Learning, Knowledge Acquisition
Virtual Reality for Automation
Embedded Systems
Geometric modeling and Fractals
Financial Aspects in Control Engineering
Control of Large Systems via Internet
Control Education
Automation in Biology
Automation in Medicine
Automation in Chemical Engineering
Machines and Mechanical Engineering
Control in Agriculture
Control in Business, Management and Economics
Control in Social Sciences
Applications in Astronomy (telescopes)
Signal Processing Systems for Control
Application in Underwater Systems and Oceanic Engineering
Unmanned Vehicles
Artificial Man
Philosophical Aspects of Control
Other Applications
a) Signal Processing:
Filter design and structures
Fast algorithms
Adaptive filters
Nonlinear Signals and Systems
Multirate filtering and filter banks
Signal reconstruction
Time-frequency analysis
Spectral estimation
Higher order spectrum analysis
Parameter estimation
Array signal processing
Statistical signal analysis
Signal and system modeling
Cyclostationary signal analysis
Speech production and perception
Speech analysis
Speech synthesis
Speech coding
Speech recognition
Speech enhancement and noise reduction
Active noise control
Active noise reduction
Echo cancellation
Broadband audio coding
Signal processing for music
Binaural systems
Room acoustics
Digital transforms
Multidimensional systems
Machine vision
Image coding
Image motion / sequence / video
Computed imaging
Geophysical and seismic processing
Image analysis and segmentation
Image filtering, restoration and enhancement
Image representation and modeling
Pattern recognition
Neural networks
Fuzzy Systems
Evolutionary computation
Expert systems
Multisensor Data Fusion
Architectures and VLSI hardware
Programmable signal processors
Algorithms and applications mappings
Design methology and CAD tools
Languages and real time software
Real time system estimation
Optimization problems in signal processing
Biomedical processing
Geophysical signal processing
Underwater signal processing
Remote sensing
Satellite signals processing
Measure and Instrumentation
b) Robotics:
Modelling, analysis and simulation
Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of robots
Robotics materials
Robotics languages
Human-Robot Interfaces
Motion and path planning
Manipulation and Grasping
Legged and Whiled Robots
Discrete Event Dynamics Systems
Petri Nets
Distributed Robotics Systems
Cellular and Biologically Inspired Robots
Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion
Personal and Service Robots
Space and underwater Robots
Network Robotics
Nanotechnologies in Robotics
Communication problems in robotics
Electronics for robotics systems
Complex architectures
Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and Evolutionary Computation in Robots
Robot Vision
Man-machine systems
Artificial life
Remote sensing
Industrial Applications
c) Automation:
Circuits and Electronics for Control
Electrical and Electronic Measurement
Large Scale Systems
Hierarchical Control
Hybrid Systems
Digital Control
Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control
Neural Networks and Neural Control
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Control
Intelligent Control
Non-linear Systems and Non-Linear Automatic Control
Sliding Mode Control
Differential Geometry methods in non-linear control
Adaptive Control
Robust Control
Optimal Control
Stochastic Control
Satellite Systems Control
Industrial Control
CAD/CAM systems
Manufacturing Systems Control
Man-Machine Interaction
Chemical processes control
Multivariable Control
Multirate Control
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Decentralized Control
Real-time Control
Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics
Optimization Problems in Control Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Failure of Systems
Fault Tolerance
Machine Learning, Knowledge Acquisition
Virtual Reality for Automation
Embedded Systems
Geometric modeling and Fractals
Financial Aspects in Control Engineering
Control of Large Systems via Internet
Control Education
Automation in Biology
Automation in Medicine
Automation in Chemical Engineering
Machines and Mechanical Engineering
Control in Agriculture
Control in Business, Management and Economics
Control in Social Sciences
Applications in Astronomy (telescopes)
Signal Processing Systems for Control
Application in Underwater Systems and Oceanic Engineering
Unmanned Vehicles
Artificial Man
Philosophical Aspects of Control
Other Applications
Other CFPs
- Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop
- The Fourth International workshop on Grid Computing (GridCom-2012)
- Sixth International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems Hot-P2P 2009
- 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware HiPerGRID 2009
- The First International Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoN-2009)
Last modified: 2012-01-09 21:28:06