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BIGDSE 2016 - 2nd International Workshop on BIG Data Software Engineering



VenueAustin, Texas, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

Big Data is about extracting valuable information from data to use it in intelligent ways such as to revolutionize decision-making in businesses, science and society.
Big Data analytics is able to handle data volume (large data sets), velocity (data arriving at high frequency), variety (heterogeneous and unstructured data) and veracity (data uncertainty) ? the so called four Vs of Big Data. Research on software analytics and mining software repositories has delivered promising results mainly focusing on data volume. However, novel opportunities may arise when leveraging the remaining three Vs of Big Data. Examples include using streaming data (velocity), such as monitoring data from services and things, and combining a broad range of heterogeneous data sources (variety) to take decisions about dynamic software adaptation.
BIGDSE’16 aims to explore opportunities that Big Data technology offers to software engineering, both in research and practice (“big data for software engineering”). In addition, BIGDSE’16 will look at the software engineering challenges imposed by building Big Data software systems (“software engineering for big data”).

Last modified: 2015-12-27 12:39:10